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City of Heroes™ Tales of The Champions Super Group

All Good Things by “Rush”

She looked up at him and whispered, "But're not Patriot."

Shaking his head, "That doesn't matter, Sarah. There has to be a Patriot symbiote gave his life to save mine. Patriot would've wanted me to and the symbiote taught me a lot about sacrifice. My symbiote may be gone, but he gifted me with new powers as well."

"Oh, Chris. I...I..." and the tears began flowing again.

Two men entered the room, both wearing business suits - one carrying himself in the manner of a soldier and the other someone so familiar to Chris that he could've been a brother.

"Are you sure about this, Chris?"

"Eric, why didn't you save him? Why didn't you save any of them?" Chris scowled at the man he knew as Rush and all but screamed, "You could have done something!"

Eric nodded. "Yes, Chris, I could have done something and I did. Our actions, tonight, have saved Patriot's life. As much as you pride yourself on knowledge, son, you don't know everything."

Letting go of Sarah, Chris grabbed Eric by the collar and slammed him against the wall. "You're not the Rush I know! Rush would've saved those people's lives! I'm ashamed I ever knew you, Eric!"

"Calm yourself, boy. However, you're partially correct. I'm not the Rush that you know," he said, his appearance changing instantly into a familiar blue and white costume.


"Yes, Chris. Rush and Blur are the same man - Eric Lawson." Manipulating the kinetic energy in Chris' muscles, Eric forced the young man to relinquish his grip on him, "Not everything is as it seems, Chris. You've always trusted me and I'm asking you to do so now. This gentleman is here to escort the two of you back to Paragon City and to take care of Patriot's paperwork."

"I can file my own damn paperwork, you bastard! And when have I ever trusted you??? You stole Rush from the Champions, five years ago! You put Red Heat in the hospital!"

"You trust Eric Lawson, Chris. I am still that man. I have Rush safely stashed away and I've explained the entire situation to him. He didn't like it, but he's accepted it and trusts me to do the right thing." The blue and white costume faded back into the business suit before he continued, "Chris, if I have time to explain it later, I'll explain my actions as Blur and the things I did to Rush and the rest of Champions Southeast. For now, however, I'm asking that you trust me and that you focus on filling Patriot's shoes."

Chris looked defeated, as his head lowered, and he whispered, "I hate you, Blur."

Two months ago
"You know, I really should say thank you," he began, "but I really do hate you at times."

The two men looked at each other, one smiling and the other scowling. If one didn't know any better, one would swear these men were twins. The irony, however, was that they're the same man.

"Rush, when are you going to learn to stop hating me? Oh, wait. Let me think back. That's right. It's after you turn 250. Silly me," Blur managed through his chuckling. "Now, a couple of days ago, you were beginning to understand my actions. Why the sudden change?"

"Oh, wise one! Need you even ask, when you can simply remember," Rush asked. "I just don't understand why you brought Carolly here. Just you and I being in the same room could cause such a staggering time paradox that..."

Blur roared with laughter, interrupting Rush's statement, as both Carollys entered the room. "Would you get a grip, man! I swear, I truly can't believe I was ever so naive!"

One Carolly stepped closer to Rush and took his hand in hers. "I just wanted to be reunited with you, husband of mine. Is that so wrong?"

Hanging his head, Rush whispered, "No, my love. It just drives me nuts when he does things and doesn't explain himself. After all, it's not like I'm a stranger or someone who can't be trusted."

At this, the other Carolly spoke up, "Rush...Carolly...we can't always tell you everything. Rush, after what Blur and I have explained, I thought you understood. One must never know too much about one's future. Blur wanted to step in months ago, but I convinced him to stay his hand. Seeing me, here and now, before you and younger self...were reunited, it would've caused some mild ripples in the timestream."

Rush, looking defeated yet further, whispered, "I understand. What I don't understand is how the four of us, being in the same room, aren't causing some sort of temporal paradox. From everything I've read, thus far..."

"Are the laws of physics as they apply to normality, Rush. I've tried to explain it to you. There could be a thousand of you and I, in the same room, holding hands and singing campfire songs...but, due to our connection to the speed force, we exist outside of the normal boundaries of temporal physics," Blur said, smiling a bit more gently. "Besides, who else could give you more satisfaction that what's being done is the right thing to do?"

Rush's Carolly spoke up, very softly, to her counterpart, "Has it been this way between him since he disappeared?"

"Oh, my dear, you have no idea! When Rush first saw Blur, he about went berserk. As a matter of fact, Rush did his best to kill Blur without touching him...until I stepped in," her counterpart replied, with a softness that touched her husbands.

Four months later (after the Staten Island Massacre)
Sitting around a dinner table, they were meeting to discuss the future and enjoying a specially prepared meal. A stranger to the room would have been in confusion if he didn't know what was going on, especially considering two of the men and two of the women were virtually identical twins.

"I dinnae see any other way, Rush. I am the only one who could do this and it nae bring down the entire organization. We've worked so hard, ye and I, t' form this team and t' attempt t' prevent another invasion," the giant of a man said calmly, his Scottish brogue slipping into his speech.

Rush looked at him and then to Blur, "I can't believe I'm hearing this. Banshee, you cannot give up being a hero. You've worked too hard to make amends for your past and, no matter what my future self says, I am not willing to let you!"

A younger voice spoke up with passion and commitment, "I've said I would do it, Rush, and I'm not a member of the Champions. I've seen the future. Angel and I both have. You were there. We know what is to come."

The Scot, smiling, spoke up again, "Sable, this has nary a thin' t' do with tha' future. I appreciate yuir willingness, lass, but for a former villain turned hero t' go rogue... t'would nae be tha' harmful t' th' organization."

Blur, clearing his breath, turned to Medika. "Ban's right, Sable. We need you to continue your work. Believe it or not, you and Angel have both been causing some serious changes to the timestream with all the portal jockeying you've been doing lately."

"This is all fine and good, but most of you are missing the point. We still have the Patriot situation to prevent. Blur, have you discovered which Patriot, yet," a stranger to the table asked.

"No, Richard. I'm close. Before you even say it, I know - we're getting low on time. I, of all people, know the time constraints. Ban, is everything in place? You need anything at all?" Blur glanced at the man in the dark navy suit and then to Ban. "No matter what happens, Richard has things under control on his end, so you shouldn't expect any flack."

Rush, both Lady Blurs, Medika, Chris, Sarah, and the stranger turned to Ban. "Aye. If all goes accordin' t' plan, only those with th' most acute o' hearin' will e'en notice. I jus' cannae believe ‘tis a man we've all had a hand in savin' at one point or another."

"Like Blur said, Ban, I have things taken care of and I can assure you, you won't need to worry about any authorities beating down your door. Even if something goes wrong and you are somehow caught, I have everything in place to show evidence that you did not act of your own free will. And with that," the man stood and folded his napkin, "I must take my leave. Carollys, your cooking was fantastic. Thank you. Rush, stop fighting Blur. He really is doing the right thing. Ban, it's good to know you're completely turned from your old ways. You used to give me a headache trying to track you. Sarah, Sable, Chris, and Bubba - you four have a wonderful evening and be safe out there."

"Almighty Bubba!"

As he was opening the door, the man in the navy suit turned and saluted, "My apologies, Almighty Bubba. Take care, soldier."

Bubba, who'd been quietly eating his dinner the entire time, stood and saluted. "Jenral, can Almighty Bubba keep bein’ here? Bubba met nice lil kitty person and hers has moved in wif Bubba."

Smiling, the man gave a stern order, "Almighty Bubba, consider this an official order from a superior officer. You are to stay in Paragon City and act under the command of Eric Lawson... ahem, both of him... and to take care of your little kitty person friend to the best of your ability."

"Sir! Yes, sir!"

With that, the stranger left the room and Bubba sat back in his chair, wondering why everyone was chuckling and smiling at him.

"Alright, Blur. Fine. I owe you an apology. I'm sorry about what happened at the hospital that night," Chris said. "You were right. I should've trusted you once I knew that you were Eric and should've realized that I didn't know everything."

Rush said, "You should've informed me of the situation, too. Hell, you should've let me know a lot of things," He narrowed his eyes first at Blur and then at Ban.

Shaking his head, Ban chuckled, "An' exactly why are ye makin' those eyes at me for? Was I supposed t' say, 'Hi, Eric. I been workin' w'ye for a couple o' years, but nae you - yuir future self. I know it sounds a wee bit far-fetched, but ‘tis true an' I need ye t' trust me'?"

Blur couldn't help but laugh, even knowing that it was angering his younger self, "Rush, Ban becoming one of the good guys was due in part to my actions. If anyone should be mad at me about that, it should be him. I'd seen him assassinate Patriot II, in another dimension, and it changed him, I had to take the chance with Patriot IV here. And don't go acting all high and mighty, either. I remember this time...the feelings you...I felt about Ban. He's like a brother to us. After all this, you should really begin to recognize that every action I take, even if it paints me as a villain, is for the greater good."

"WAIT JUST A DAMN MINUTE!!! YOU WERE BEHIND HIM ASSASSINATING PATRIOT IV???" Rush jumped from his seat and grabbed a steak knife, throwing it -- adding terminal velocity to its momentum -- directly into Blur's chest. The incensed man screamed, "YOU BASTARD!!!"

Bubba, slightly irritated at his meal being interrupted, looked up to see the calamity --Rush's eyes arcing with lightning and a steak knife sticking out of Blur's chest. "Um, Mr. Eric? Why go and do dat to youself?"

"Yes, Rush. Why are you still attacking me over things that you don't completely understand," Blur asked, slowly pulling the knife from his chest and watching the wound heal instantly.

"And you!" Rush hissed at Ban, "You I love like a brother, but you never told me that he... that I hired you to murder a dear friend of mine!"

"Eric, ye dinnae know e'erythin'. I think, though, ‘tis a good time t' let ye know this truth. Patriot IV was already dying. Eric. Blur spoke with him and set me up, on the hopes that I would turn from my path. If anyone was manipulated, ‘twas I. I should be angry, Rush. I'm nae angry with Blur. He took a calculated risk an' it paid off an' here I sit," Ban spoke compassionately, belying his years as a professional assassin and drug lord.

"Ban is telling the truth, Rush. Patriot IV had a very rare form of cancer and in the advanced stages. He had less than a month to live and I approached him about how he wanted to die -- peacefully and silently or with his death possibly forever changing someone's life. By Ban sitting here with us, you can imagine his answer. Believe me, Rush, he was at peace with my actions," Blur whispered. "You'll see, when the time comes. And, if you're thinking it was easy... think again."

Bubba stood and walked over to Rush. "Mr. Eric, Bubba fink you should 'polojize to youself. Bubba not like see you fight wif youself."

Hearing Bubba's words and seeing the looks on Ban's and Blur's faces, Rush couldn't help but calm down. Steeling himself, he whispered, "I hate being kept in the dark."

"I know, Rush. Trust me, I know," Blur looked at him with compassion. "If I could tell you everything you'll face for the next six thousand years and think that it wouldn't affect you, I'd tell you. However, I've seen what it can do to you... to us... and it isn't exactly something you want to face."

"Try me, Blur."

Having been silent the entire time, the elder Lady Blur spoke up, "If he did, it would lead to you developing a god-complex and none of what's being done right now would ever make a difference. I know, my dear, because I was the one who had to timeslip and stop him from telling you everything... after it had happened. You want to worry about a paradox? Keep asking too many questions."

"They're both right, love," the younger Carolly whispered. "I hate to agree with Blur, but Lady Blur has shown me some things that I'd prefer to never have known. Yet, I understand, now, that I needed to know them -- in case I ever have to stop you."

"And you all wonder why I feel like everyone's turned against me?" Rush, exasperated, looked at all of them and continued, "I'm sorry, Bubba. I don't even know why you're here, but..."

"Chocit chip cookies, Mr. Eric," Bubba said, excitedly.

"Yes, Bubba. They're very good. My wife is an excellent cook," Rush said, with patience toward the big man. "I just think my Carolly and I should... hell, I don't know... maybe we should travel to the future and let you, Lady Blur and Ban lead this team, Blur."

"So, how're the Falcons doing right now," Chris piped up, trying to lighten the mood.

In stereo surround sound, both Eric Lawsons turned to him and said, "Shut up, Chris."

Sarah whispered, "It's baseball season, baby."

"I know, hon. I always ask about the off-season teams whenever Eric gets too uptight."

Again, from both Eric Lawsons, "Shut up, Chris."

The white-skinned, redheaded beauty entered the room, a bounce in her step.

"Hi, everyone!" Looking around at the serious looks on their faces, "Aww, dammit. Am I late for dinner?"

Blur turned to her, walked over and hugged her tightly, "Hi, Spirit. How are you, dear? And, yes, you're late."

"Damn," she laughed, skipping over to Sarah and plopping onto the young girl's lap. "Hiya, baby girl!"

Sarah, always excited to see her former lover, kissed Spirit passionately. "Hiya, Spirit!"

"Oh, hell yeah! Where's a video camera when you need one," Chris asked, chuckling.

For the third time, the voices of two Eric Lawsons intoned, this time far more light-heartedly, "Shut up, Chris!"

Giggling uncontrollably, Spirit playfully licked the tip of Sarah's nose and physically jumped across the table, tackling her lover out of his chair and rattling the entire table in the process, "Hiya, Ban!"

"Oh, Spirit! Try not to break anything," coming, in unison, from both Lady Blurs, causing them to turn to each other and giggle.

"Ah, hell, I'm used to it. You should've seen the messes that Joe and Bubba used to make of this apartment. God forbid I ever own another copy of Braveheart," Rush tossed out... without thinking who was in the room.

Much to everyone's amusement, Rush's comment inspired the mentally handicapped Bubba to action. Upturning the dinner table and turning the giggles into full laughter, Bubba shouted, "FWEEEEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"So, what's going on? Why were all of you lookin’ so damn sober when I came in?"

Holding his beloved Spirit in his lap, Ban answered first, his brogue barely intruding this time, "We were just goin' over some o' the plans, again, and discussin' some concerns."

"Bullshit, baby boy," Spirit replied, sticking her tongue out at the gentle giant.

"For the most part, Spirit, he's telling the truth. The part he's leaving out is how upset and angry I am at being left in the dark all the time," Rush chimed in.

Spirit first looked over at Bubba, who'd gotten Medika to teleport Prowl to keep him company, and then to Rush, "Oh, honey! We don't mean to keep you in the dark. You're our leader. But, and don't get mad at me, Blur has explained a lot of things to me about your situation. Hell, even before I took this form, I could sense your power enter this city. Whether you realize it or not, you are probably the biggest beacon of energy here, right now...well, you and Blur. Trust me, honey, if we don't always give you info, we're doin’ it for your own good."

"Listen to yourself, Spirit! 'You're our leader'. If anyone should be given information, it's me! If I'm going to be an effective leader, I need to be kept apprised of every situation you face," Rush replied.

"And listen to yourself, love. I'm not exactly siding with them, but you can still be a hothead and rush headlong into things," the younger Carolly said softly, gently caressing her husband's cheek. "As much as I love you, I have to agree with Blur on this - you don't always control your emotions when acting on information."

Chuckling, the elder Lady Blur spoke up, "Oh, my dear, he's still like that sometimes."

Blur laughed and replied, "Old habits and all."

"Oh, shut up," Rush spat at him.

Medika, being the quietest voice in the room, rose and asked, "Should I even be here for this?"

"Aye, Sable. Because what's bein' discussed here affects you," Ban answered her.

"Well, shouldn't Angel be here, too?"

Blur smiled and turned to Medika, "You know how much it took for her to accept my intentions. How do you think she'd react to the fact that my Lady Blur is actually the one out on patrol? Speaking of which... Sarah, do your sisters know?"

"Nah. Chris taught me how to start keeping secrets from them. As much as I don't like it, I understand Carolly's decision and respect it. If the roles were reversed, I'd want my Chris with me, ya know? Besides, it's hard enough on me that we can't do our investigations together and I only really get to see him when I go home at night," Sarah answered.

Chris, not expecting her answer, hugged Sarah closer and held her tightly. "I still don't like any of this situation. Hell, I'm still hoping that none of you have to kill me."

"That won't happen, Chris," both Erics stated, vehemently, and smiled at one another. "It's good that we agree on something. Now, would you stop doing that?"

The laughter began again, causing Bubba and Prowl to look up from watching cartoons and start laughing with everyone, even though they didn't understand why.

"Is everything ready, as I've commanded," the voice asked.

In unison, a cadre of voices answered, "Yes, master."

"Good. Then my plan -- capture Rush and his wife -- is on schedule. I will find a way to harness this energy they command or they will both suffer," he stated, exiting the shadows, his face covered by a domed mask. "I will conquer the multiverse and all things will worship me or be crushed beneath my heel."

A cloaked individual stepped forward, "And what of their future selves? Blur and Lady Blur?"

"If all goes according to plan, they will cease to exist," he cackled. "But I would ask -- how dare you to even question my plans?"

Dropping his hood, "I dare because I can stop you."

"Oh, can you now? Oh, agent of heaven, you cannot act upon the mortal plane until it is your due time," the voice laughed, his mask giving off a soft glow.

The worshippers on their knees began to rise and slowly stalk toward the cloaked individual, all softly laughing and giving their master praises.

"I can," the hollow-sounding voice of the cloaked figure replied, "and I will."

"You can do nothing but hurl your empty threats. You may be Death, but I will not feel your sting," the voice forcefully intoned. "You are nothing to me."

The cloaked figure, moving quicker than the eye could see, moved in and grabbed the master by the throat, "Then feel this and know that the due time is at hand!"

The masked man began choking as his followers fell back, raising their hands to their eyes and trying to shield themselves from the blinding light.

"Know this and know it well -- if thou lift thy hand against the one called Eric Lawson or his wife, I will take your life and erase you from every existence," the cloaked individual declared, his form glowing with a celestial light. "You know who I am. Do not test me -- for your power is nothing compared to mine."

"Tis good that we got all the dirty laundry out and are comin' t' peace with one another," Ban said.

"I agree, Ad... Ban," Medika smiled. "I hate seeing heroes fight amongst themselves."

"Wait a minute! Med! You know his real na... Eric!" Chris started, suddenly startled by seeing both Erics and Carollys shift out and back into reality. "What the hell?"

"What was that?" Rush asked.

Blur, staring into space, offered a withdrawn reply, "Something... someone's changed time. Carolly... mine... come with me, love. We've gotta find out what happened. Rush... Lady Blur... until we get back, you two are back on patrol. Chris, this decision is yours -- you can take off the mask, but understand that it might not be wise."

Ban stood up and moved to Blur's side, "How bad is it?"

"I don't know, brother. Until we do know, stay on your target. Don't make any moves until we return. This might actually be a good thing... or it might be worse," Blur answered, taking his wife's hand and vibrating into thin air.

"Who is it?" Rush asked to the knocking on the door.

The only reply was another gentle knock.

Ban stood at an angle to the door, fists flaming and ready to blast away. Spirit couldn't help but giggle and Medika looked to her, eyebrows raised. Bubba and Prowl sat, still playing on the floor, but Bubba had pulled his gun closer. Rush, looking around the room, slowly opened the door.

"Is that how you welcome a fellow field leader, Banshee?" came from the man clad in black, red scarf wrapped around the lower half of his face.

"Damn yuir eyes, Shadow. I was ready t' blast ye int' th' next buildin'," Ban replied.

"Come in, Lamont," Rush said with a smile. "How are you? And how's your dad?"

"Lamont III is doing well, Eric," he replied and turned to Carolly. "And how are you, Lady Blur?"

"I'm doing very well, Lamont. And you," Carolly asked.

Answering the both of them, "I am well."

Sarah, coming from the bathroom, "Oh, Shadow! Hiya! I never did get the chance to tell you thank you for the lessons... so, thank you."

Smiling, Shadow turned to her and nodded. "And what of my other pupil?"

"I knew you were coming," Chris grinned.

"See! This is another very good point of me not being informed! Just once. I swear," Rush exclaimed and began mumbling.

Patting him on the shoulder, Ban whispered, "Don't worry, Eric. Even Spirit is still giggling and I was ready to blast the man."

Walking over to Spirit, Shadow began taking off his scarf and hat. "And you, girl. Is nothing I do a surprise to you?"

"Nope. I just love seeing Ban and Eric get all riled up over nothing," she replied, her giggling unceasing.

"Alright, Lamont, what's up?"

"Chris telepathically informed me that there was a card game tonight, Eric. I thought I'd drop by and play a few hands," Shadow replied. "My dad tells me my great-granddad was quite the poker player."

As the night went on, every member of Paragon City's Champions made an appearance, as well as friends and allies. The night saw the Horn discussing philosophy with Ban; Miss Hail and Malichi playfully flirting; Protectoret comparing sword techniques with Mr. "the Queez" Quisinart; Krazy Joe and Xochi settling down to share a Disney movie with Bubba and Prowl; Spirit getting into a packing peanut fight with Shock and Sarah; Angelina, aka Angel Tart, snuggling up with Roarke and relaxing with friends; Ningal discussing the beauty of fidelity with Mr. Bones; Rush realizing the apartment being filled to capacity and deciding to build a stairwell to spread the party downstairs into Ban's place; Lady Blur and Medika attempting to teach Shadya how to speak better English...

Once Rush realized the party had grown so large that it was basically filling all Champions' members' apartments, he grabbed his wife and whispered, "Let's just go get a hotel room, love. We can hit Ban with the clean-up bill."

The cloaked figure entered the apartment, content in the fact that he'd saved lives today. He looked around the sparsely furnished dwelling and sat, cross-legged, to a meal that was waiting for him. He slowly pulled off his mask, bowed his head and gave thanks for his meal.

The moment he began eating, two figures appeared before him. He knew the man and woman. It was for them that he had made today's journey.

"You changed it all," the man said.

"Yes, Eric. That is why I have come. Will you both join me?"

Blur and Lady Blur sat with the cloaked individual, plates of meat and bread appearing before them.

"You will eat?"

Smiling, Blur replied, "Of course."

Blur and Lady Blur bowed their heads and gave thanks, then looked up. "Will..."

Lady Blur smiled to her husband and whispered, "You first, my love."

"Will you offer any explanation? Or are we to know," Blur asked.

The cloaked figure removed his hood, "It is not needed, but I will. All of that which you have seen was not meant to be. I have come to even the balance. My duties cannot be stolen without retribution and now the balance has been restored."

"As cryptic as ever," Blur smiled. "Is it wise to unmask yourself, even here?"

"Yes, Eric. It is safe. There are only two who would know me, in the here and now. One of which approaches," came his reply and he pulled his hood back into place.

A soft knock upon the door was the answer.

Blur stood and walked to the door, slowly opening it. They looked upon one another and nodded. She slowly entered, not knowing what to expect.

Lady Blur looked up and smiled, "Angel, won't you join us?"

Angel looked at her, puzzled. "I got a note, Carolly, that said I should come here for dinner. Did either of you... who? Aren't you that Rev guy?"

"Please, Angel, sit. Give thanks for your food," came her answer.

"What food? And sit where," she asked.

Blur put a hand on her shoulder, "Just trust him. You don't need to be afraid of anything or anyone here... and, yes, I am Blur."

Angel wrinkled her nose, but sat on the floor as she was invited. A plate of meat and bread appeared before her. "Okay, that was cool. So, give thanks, huh?"

The other three nodded and Angel did as she was asked.

"So, why am I here?"

"So that you may know the answers to the questions in your soul," the cloaked individual replied.

"Answers to questions in my soul? Oh, shit. Blur, please don't..." Angel started, but found herself cut off by the cloaked individual removing his hood.

"Eat and know that you are safe, Angel," his smile calmed her as he spoke.

"But... but..." Angel stammered.

The elder Lady Blur moved closer to Angel and put an arm around her shoulders, "Your reaction is nothing compared to Eric's, dear. Trust me, life is about to become far less complicated."

Blur smiled and turned to the other man, "And what of tomorrow?"

"Let tomorrow worry about tomorrow."

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