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City of Heroes™ Tales of The Champions Super Group

Malichi's Second Mutation by “Malichi”

Sitting here on this skyscrapers ledge, looking at my hands, watching the cold mist rising, I have time to reflect on the past few days.  Oh, sorry, I guess I really should tell you who I am first, since this will be read by others and isn't just for my benefit....

I'm Malichi Samson, and I am a mutant. I'm a fifteen year old teenager, who -- up to a few days ago -- was almost normal... other then the fact that I'm a "hero" and I go around and fight crime here in Paragon City. See, unlike most mutants, I didn't have any "dangerous" powers. No laser beams from my eyes, no healing factor, nothing. What made me a mutant was my mind. I was gifted with extremely high intelligence. Enough of this, all this is on file in City Hall and, if you want to know more, go there. This is about what happened to me a few days ago and the changes I've gone though.

It started about 3 days ago. I was running around doing missions for one of my contacts when I was told that the Freakshow were trying to shut down the reactors in Terra Volta. This had to be stopped plain and simple. So off I flew using my anti-gravity belt that I made myself. I first stopped off at Subgenetics and traded in a few enhancements that I had recovered from previous missions. Then off I went for Terra Volta's reactors.

Everything went like normal: you know, see Freak, blast Freak with ice, knock him out, and teleport him to the Zigg. Oh. I bet you're wondering, if I'm a mutant that doesn't have any "dangerous" powers, how I could blast Freaks with ice, aren't you? Well, to make a long story short, using my intelligence, I made myself a suit of armor capable of firing ice blasts. Later, I just converted it into armored arms and gloves. Anyways I'm off the subject; sorry, I do that a lot.

As I said, everything was going like clockwork. No, not the little robots; it was just easy going. Bah, I’m doing it again! Turns out it was just a small incursion against one of the minor reactors, not the main one. It was easy work until I came to the core where the leader of this faction of Freakshow was.

Now here is where Ban would get on my case for my being rash and not thinking things though. I flew in like normal, setting down at the door way to save the energy in my batteries. Yeah my blasting gloves and belt run off the same battery, and if I run both at the same time they get weak really fast. Sorry... seems I did it again, didn't I?

Ok, back to the story. At the door, I scanned the room to find out how many were there. I only saw the boss. I can hear Ban now -- I should have double checked, but I didn't. However, there was only the boss Freak there -- a very big tank smasher; but I've taken down quite a few of them in my short career as a hero so I didn't figure I'd have any problems. My plan was to open up on him with my BFR (Bitter Freeze Ray) and then Freeze Ray to encase him in a block of ice so he couldn't hurt me; I'd done it time and time again. Only this time the ice didn't hold him; he looked at me, laughed, and threw a concussion grenade at me. That stunned me and he charged forward, knocking me off my feet. Looming massively, he placed his heavy armored foot on my chest and looked down at me -- grinning. I can still hear his words, "So, hero, you think you can stop me? Then why are you on your back?" As he said those words, he lifted his foot to stomp my chest flat. Being small has its advantages. He misjudged the distance and I was able to roll out from under his crushing blow. Pressing the button on my belt I flew backwards, wanting to get out of there and rethink a plan. Now this is where it got strange...

The boss threw yet another concussion grenade at me. It exploded right in my face, blinding as well as stunning me. As I was already in the air and flying backwards, my momentum carried me into one of the coolers of the reactor. It felt like my whole body was on fire and -- if I had looked -- it more then likely was. I screamed in pain; the heat was searing though the metal around my arms. I quickly stripped my robotic arms and gloves off. All the while the Freak leader just watched, laughing.

Not even thinking as I listened to his laughter, I stood up despite all the pain racking my body.  All I could think of was beating this guy and causing him lots of pain. Next thing I knew, he was out cold, on the floor, covered in ice. Isn't that strange? It's not? Remember, I took my robotic arms OFF. So how did I manage to ice the Freak? Well, near as I can tell, when I flew into the cooler, I suffered a second mutation and my body integrated the coolants in my gloves into myself. Or maybe the cooler itself caused it -- I'm not really sure yet.

Nonetheless, I'm now a mutant that has a visible power. I now form ice blasts from my hands without the aid of my gloves. You're probably thinking, "Wow, kid, you're lucky to be gifted with another power". How wrong you are, dear reader. ‘Cause now, not only do I fire ice from my hands, but I also emit extreme cold from my body. You can actually see how strong it is around my hands.  You can guess at how cumbersome this can become. Here I am, a fifteen year old, that people can hardly stand to be around ‘cause I make it so cold around myself. Yeah, the life of a teenage mutant is just so much fun...

So that's my story. Oh, I even donned a "typical" superhero outfit complete with cape and everything. Anyways, I really need to get going. One of my contacts has informed me that some of Council are attempting to "recruit" more members. They never give up, do they?

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