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City of Heroes

The Champions Super Group Logs

050605+ Joe & Sho

Note: Xochiquetzal is pronounced Sho-key-kwet-zal.

06-05-2005 15:08:41 Entering New Troy.
Suite-Pee has joined the team
Krazy Joe kisses Xochi.

Krazy Joe: Hey, babe.
Xochiquetzal: Hey, Joe.
Suite-Pee: oh I thought he was talking to me for a sec.
Xochiquetzal: <smiles> Is that actually a more appropriate phrase than "Greetings, ahau"?
Krazy Joe: Yeah, Sho.
Xochiquetzal: I will remember.
The group heads off to the next mission assignment.

06-05-2005 15:30:43 Sister CindySue has joined the team
Krazy Joe: Come on to Indy Port.

06-05-2005 15:32:51 [Team]Krazy Joe: By the way, Cindy, I'm grabbing a couple of people (who do their story arcs and aren't interested in being power leveled) to do this for.
Sister CindySue: Oh, ok.
Krazy Joe: You'll only get xp for mission completion.
Sister CindySue: I can deal with that.. and a badge too? Is it my birthday?
Krazy Joe: Hehe. I just like doing random nice things for strangers.
Xochiquetzal: Many happy returns of the day, Sister
Krazy Joe: Ask these two. It's actually how they met me.
Suite-Pee: Indeed it is.
Sister CindySue: <laughs> Wish you were on pinnacle.. have a troller there with vahz disease and do you think I could get a high lev to zip thru the patient zero mish for her?? tried for 3 nites in a row and all said no or wanted money.
Krazy Joe: Doh!
Xochiquetzal: That is unfortunate, Sister.
Krazy Joe: That's pathetic. They don't know what bein' a hero is about.
Sister CindySue: For real.
Xochiquetzal: I am still making notes on the concept of hero in your world, Joe. Perhaps I should try this pinnacle place Sister mentioned?
Sister CindySue: Ooh.. Xochiquetzal.. you're a Kinetic too.. Is Speed boost a good power?? I was going to pass it up but others have told me no.
Xochiquetzal: Ah, little Sister, many is the tank who cherishes Speed Boost.
Sister CindySue: that's what he said. Ok.. I'll get it then.
Suite-Pee: Speed boost is good stuff.
Xochiquetzal: It allows an armored tank to move at reasonable speeds and allows anyone to recover powers and end faster. It is not quite as disorienting as super speed -- albeit, many people do not care for it in enclosed spaces like caves and office buildings.
Suite-Pee: Gets my monkeys out faster.
Xochiquetzal: But most speedsters do not like it added to their super speed. But if someone requests that I not use it, so be it with them.
Sister CindySue: As a blaster, I didn't care for it.. cuz I don't like movements sped.. but I should think the recovery makes it worth it.

Xochiquetzal: I consider the recovery to be paramount.
Sister CindySue: Ok.. you can slot it with just recovery. I imagine.
Xochiquetzal: Mine is only augmented with end recovery.

Sister CindySue: I see.. ok.. It's like AM then.
Xochiquetzal: Yes, it is like AM, but the speed is more. I will use it on you in this mission and you may judge for yourself.
Sister CindySue: I've had it used on me.. I just never loved it.. yet.. I have no scraps/tanks alts.
Xochiquetzal: For instance, it makes Hover useful in buildings and caves.
Krazy Joe: Yeah.
Sister CindySue: Ok.
Xochiquetzal: I often wish I could speed boost myself. <wry smile>
Suite-Pee: No siphon speed?
Xochiquetzal: I chose to give up siphon speed, Suite. There were rarely targets around when I most wanted the extra speed. For instance, when I am flying high over Independence Port.

Xochiquetzal: I am curious as to how speed boost affects your imps?
Suite-Pee: same as it would a scrapper.
Xochi uses boost on some of Suite’s flame monkeys.
Xochiquetzal: Ah, the non-boosted ones don't follow you as fast. It is an experiment, Joe. I am, after all, a scientist.
Krazy Joe: Uh huh. Monkeys on scrapper crack. Just what I needed.
Xochiquetzal: There are controls here. Not all the monkeys are on scrapper crack. 'Twould be a better controlled experiment if we could change the colour of the boosted monkeys' flames for easy identification. I must work on a technique for tagging flame.
Xochiquetzal: Do, for instance, the boosted monkeys burn themselves out more quickly than the control group.
Suite-Pee: No, they last the same amount of time.
Xochiquetzal: My working hypothesis is that they do not, but that seems to be in error. Again, I need a way to tag a monkey and its twin. Else the data from this experiment is less than valid.
The green kineticist hit her comrades with Speed Boost again.
Xochiquetzal: Enjoy the speed.

Xochiquetzal: Hm. All the first boosted monkeys have fallen. Are you sure, Suite-Pee, that the boost did not accelerate their demise?
Suite-Pee: Yes.
Xochiquetzal: Hm. This definitely requires a better controlled experiment.
Suite-Pee: As long as I am on top of the recharge, I can get 3 sets out at a time, always.
Xochiquetzal: Three sets? What constitutes a set? How many monkeys in a set?
Suite-Pee: Which ever ones come out per cast is a set.
Xochiquetzal: Ah, you do not control the number. This experiment thus has a wild card. Hm.
Suite-Pee: Nope. I cannot control the number: min of 2, max of 5.
Xochiquetzal: Indeed, Suite-Pee, the boost seemed to make no difference in that set. Thank you for allowing me to experiment

06-05-2005 15:54:52 Palmstrike has joined the team.
Krazy Joe: Come to Indy Port, Palm.
Xochiquetzal: Greetings, ahau Palmstrike.
Palmstrike: Here.
Krazy Joe: One more and we'll be ready.

Xochiquetzal: Careful of the edge with boost on, Sister.
Krazy Joe: Sho, where'd the nut with the monkeys go?
Xochiquetzal: I did not see, Joe. <calls out> Suite Pee, 'tis time.

The controller headed out to the mission to scout.
Krazy Joe: The area clear?
Suite-Pee: Yeah.
Krazy Joe: Alright. Port them, but no one go in yet.
Krazy Joe: Wait before going in.
Sister CindySue: Don't think we can go in till mish is set anyway.
Krazy Joe: We're holding for Zephyr.
Xochiquetzal: Joe takes good care of his team, Sister.
White Zephyr: Be there in a minute. Sorry.
Krazy Joe: Take your time, bud. No worries.
Suite summoned a brace of flame monkeys.
Xochiquetzal: Monkeys to observe! <She pulled out her PDA and started note-taking.> When is the season to observe your monkeys' mating habits, Suite-Pee?
Palmstrike: Ok, I'm all ears.
Suite-Pee: They don’t; they are my creation.
Xochiquetzal gives Suite-Pee a strange look.

Krazy Joe: Hey, Sho?
Xochiquetzal: Hey, hero? <smiling at him>Yes, Joe?
Krazy Joe: Ban tells me those damn monkeys like licorice. Give 'em some and see if that excites 'em.
Xochiquetzal: Licorice? Where should I obtain that?
Krazy Joe: We can pick some up, this evening.
Xochiquetzal: Indeed? I will enjoy watching the experiment.
Xochiquetzal: Perhaps I can use licorice to augment my boost...
Krazy Joe: You enjoy lots of things, babe.
Xochiquetzal: <smiles at Joe> Of course, hero.

Palmstrike: So, seeing as I've been in a coma for six months.. can you give me the details on this mission?
Krazy Joe: A police contact of mine asked if I'd track down this hacker and protect him from Crey.
Palmstrike: Uh huh...
Krazy Joe: I figured I'd grab some of you less experienced heroes and get ya a little status to brag about with yer friends.
Palmstrike: mighty good of you to show us the ropes, Joe.
White Zephyr: Much appreciated.
Krazy Joe: Hey, no prob. I just want you guys to sit back, really, and get a little reputation. <smiles>
Suite-Pee: is it okay to go in now?

06-05-2005 16:27:36 A new team task has been chosen.
Krazy Joe: Let's do it.
Palmstrike: I'll try to keep a cool head.
Krazy Joe: Zephyr, Palm and Sister, I want you three to guard the door. Make sure no one gets away.
White Zephyr: You got it, Joe.
Sister CindySue: Will do
Palmstrike, however, followed the combat team.
06-05-2005 16:30:11 You have invited Palmstrike to be your sidekick.
[NPC]Agent Chalmers: We're got orders to guard the area.
06-05-2005 16:30:15 Palmstrike accepts the offer to be a sidekick!
06-05-2005 16:31:01 Palmstrike has defeated Crey Cryo Tank
06-05-2005 16:31:05 Palmstrike has defeated Researcher
06-05-2005 16:31:20 Krazy Joe has defeated Crey Voltaic Tank
06-05-2005 16:31:45 Krazy Joe has defeated Scientist
[NPC]Agent Chalmers: Krazy Joe will not pass us by!
Xochiquetzal: Palm, wait!
06-05-2005 16:33:41 Suite-Pee has defeated Vigilant.
Xochiquetzal: Don't go in until Joe lays down his ice patch.
06-05-2005 16:33:56 Krazy Joe has defeated Infiltrator
06-05-2005 16:34:00 Krazy Joe has defeated Mob Specialist
Palmstrike: Sorry, I get the blood flowing and just gotta hit stuff. <smiles>
06-05-2005 16:34:10 Krazy Joe has defeated Field Agent
06-05-2005 16:34:17 Krazy Joe has defeated Agent Chalmers
Xochiquetzal: Now is fine.
The quartet fought its way through the laboratory.
Palmstrike: Found a key
Xochiquetzal: Indeed, we will need it, Palm

[NPC]Researcher: Man, this is screwed up. We are basically looking for a GHOST here.
[NPC]Radiologist: Shut your trap man, I'm scared enough as it is!
[NPC]Researcher: Is that a Protector? No, it's Krazy Joe! Cover our tracks boys!
At the elevator, Xochi watches Suite experiment.
Xochiquetzal: Playing with tport, Suite?
Suite-Pee: seeing if it would recall my monkeys
Xochiquetzal: Ah... Perhaps if you tported INTO the elevator?

In one of the continuing series of battles, Joe lays down an ice patch.
Krazy Joe: There ya go.
Palmstrike: Popcorn!
06-05-2005 16:49:10 Palmstrike has defeated Research Assistant
06-05-2005 16:49:12 Krazy Joe has defeated Research Assistant
06-05-2005 16:49:13 Krazy Joe has defeated Medic
…and returns again, followed by another group of antagonized Crey.
Krazy Joe: Same spot again.
Xochiquetzal: Bouncing baby Crey popcorn!
Krazy Joe, 4; Suite-Pee, 2.
Palmstrike: Pass the butter.
06-05-2005 16:51:14 Krazy Joe has defeated Scientist
06-05-2005 16:51:14 Krazy Joe has defeated Geneticist
06-05-2005 16:51:15 Krazy Joe has defeated Medic
06-05-2005 16:51:22 Krazy Joe has defeated Crey Voltaic Tank
06-05-2005 16:51:31 Palmstrike has defeated Paragon Protector
Xochiquetzal: Hmm. Would you TRUST butter found in a Crey lab?
Palmstrike: Probably that cheap topping substitute. <grins wryly>

Once the lab has been successfully cleared….
Krazy Joe: Lemme go out, first. Don't want anyone takin’ a trip to the hospital.
Xochiquetzal: As you will, Joe
06-05-2005 16:58:21 Team task completed.
Krazy Joe: All clear.

06-05-2005 16:58:22

06-05-2005 17:16:10
Later, waiting near the tram… Xochiquetzal hugs Joe from behind.
Xochiquetzal: Heya, hero.
Krazy Joe: Heya, babe.
Krazy Joe kisses Xochi.
Krazy Joe: So, babe, whatcha up to?
Xochiquetzal: Waiting for the next mission, hero.... and warming myself by your flame. <smile>
Krazy Joe: Alright. Lemme go check in with that cop. Though, I was kinda hoping on getting some quality "scientific study" in tonight.
Xochiquetzal: Any time, Joe. My notes are far from complete.
Krazy Joe: Well, you did sleep a bit late this morning.
Xochiquetzal: <grin> My notes may not be complete until I determine that you are no longer able to surprise or be surprised. I think that will take some time. <grin>
Krazy Joe laughs.
Krazy Joe: Yeah. Last night was fun.
Xochiquetzal: And you don't know HOW nice it is to sleep warmly...!
Krazy Joe chuckles.
Krazy Joe: Yeah, Sho, I really do.
Xochiquetzal: This world was rather cold -- before you.
Krazy Joe: Hey, baby, I'm glad I do that much for ya.
Xochiquetzal: Ah, hero, wait until you read my report!
Krazy Joe: On me or in general?
Xochiquetzal: Oh, as a scientist, I believe that you cannot correctly extrapolate the general until you understand the specific. I am -- very specific.
Krazy Joe: Oh, don't I know it!
Xochiquetzal laughs delightedly.
Xochiquetzal: It is good to have a -- willing subject.
Krazy Joe: Hey, ready and waiting, honey.
Xochiquetzal: Lead on, hero.
06-05-2005 17:31:33

050610 The “M” Word

06-10-2005 02:51:58
A week later, Xochi is in a discussion with Shock Tart after having met an – old acquaintance of Bansidhe’s. The subject of slang words came up. Shock Tart had referred to herself as a "bitch."

Xochiquetzal: I realize that your culture does not use dogs as food animals, but I admit I find using a word for dog -- for a human -- very disconcerting, Shock Tart.
Shock Tart: That comes from the bitch dog being mean most of the time.
Xochiquetzal: Is that true? I had been unaware of that personality trait. <makes a note> I had not thought of you as mean, but my observations may be at fault.
Shock Tart: Well, most would describe me as such. That’s what makes me such a good lawyer.
Xochiquetzal: I shall have to watch more closely.
Shock Tart: Having to finish raising both of my sisters and go to law school and deal with my growing powers ...yeah, I can be very bitchy.
Xochiquetzal: Who else would you characterize as a "bitch"?
Shock Tart: <bluntly> You.
There was a pause as the green-skinned woman made another series of notes.
Shock Tart: It's an attitude, really.
Xochiquetzal: <showing no sign of having taken offense> Indeed. In what manner do you perceive me as "mean"?
Xochiquetzal continues making notes.
Shock Tart: You can be very condescending to those whom you consider beneath you. Again, it’s a perception thing.
Xochiquetzal: Ah. Hm. Well, most humans are -- less than Technoctitlani, you know.
Shock Tart: And in your eyes that may be so. But in our eyes, we don’t even know who you are, so we could sorta care less.
Xochiquetzal: At least most Technoctitlani would say so. I am here to study those of you who have clearly advanced ...
Shock Tart laughs.
Xochiquetzal: It is not my business to make you care. It is my business to study.
Shock Tart: See, it’s that attitude right there that can be considered "bitchy". And it’s not our business that you are studying.

During this period, a strange figure had knelt in front of Shock and began kowtowing.
Shock Tart: Oh get up, silly man
Xochiquetzal: I try not to interfere. If you do not wish to answer my questions, to say so is sufficient and I will ask elsewhere.
Shock Tart: <to the kneeling man> You are right; you are not worthy, so please get up now.
Xochiquetzal: <looks askance at the man> I find obeisance too -- reminiscent of the behaviour some of my people encouraged amongst humans. Shall we go elsewhere, Shock Tart?

06-10-2005 03:02:59 Entering Bronze Way.
Shock Tart: When we think of studying something … it’s like dissecting it. And we don’t like to be dissected.
Xochiquetzal: If you do not analyze yourselves, your emotions and actions, how shall you learn?

Krazy Joe joined the women.
Krazy Joe: Hey, what the hell has Ban's panties in a wad?
Krazy Joe kisses Xochi.
Xochiquetzal: Heya hero.
Shock Tart: Hey Joe, some little guy that just got into town.
Xochiquetzal stays close to Joe.

Snatches of conversation floated up from the tram below.
[NPC]Argentina: Krazy Joe really set Nemesis back. That's saying something!
Krazy Joe: I just dropped off my weekly reports and he was rather ... short with me. He usually invites me in to talk, ya know?
Shock Tart: There was a little man here earlier; he was running his mouth about Ban's business.
Krazy Joe: Who?
Shock Tart: Some little guy that Ban knows.
Xochiquetzal: <looks at Shock> I thought that "hits" were no longer the Bansidhe's business, Shock Tart.
Krazy Joe: Wonder if that's why Ban was so quick to get rid of me... <He paused as Xochi’s words registered.> "Hits"? Like as in assassinations?
Shock Tart: They aren’t, Xochi. And the "boy" should not have told you all that he did. It wasn’t his place to say something to someone he doesn’t even know.
Xochiquetzal: The small man said that he hired the Bansidhe for his first "hit" and that a backstabbing politician had died. I interpret that to be akin to assassination, yes.
Krazy Joe: I kinda knew Ban had a past, but...well, I didn't know all that.
Shock Tart: Once again, this whole subject SHOULD NOT be talked about.
Xochiquetzal: I am interested in the mental state and behaviour of many of those termed super heroes. Why should this not be discussed?
Krazy Joe: Yeah. I figure if Ban wants to talk about it, he will.
Shock Tart: Because it's not our business. It’s Ban’s.
Krazy Joe: Ban's a private guy, Sho. I can respect that.
Xochiquetzal: Ah. Then I should request an interview with the Bansidhe. It seems I have talked with him too little.
Krazy Joe: Go for it, Sho.
Xochiquetzal: I will do so. He could be a primary source.

Shock Tart: Hey, Joe, maybe you can help me explain the term "Bitch" to Xochi. I think I really didn’t do such a good job at telling her.
Krazy Joe: Ah, Sho?
Xochiquetzal: Yes, Joe?
Shock Tart: I referred to my self as a bitch and she wanted to know why.
Krazy Joe: Remember when we were getting rough, last night?
Xochiquetzal: I remember, Joe.
Krazy Joe: And do you remember when I posed the question, "How ya like that, bitch?"
Shock Tart shakes her head.
Xochiquetzal: I still have trouble not thinking of dogs as food animals, Joe. But I am well aware that they procreate as any mammal does.
Shock Tart: Xochi, he is no help at all and I wasn’t any better.
Krazy Joe: Well, there's a difference between how people say it. With me and you, it was playful. With how that dude apparently used it, it was meant very negatively.
Xochiquetzal: Oh, Joe is a great deal of help in many areas. I just find some -- jargon, Medika calls it, obscure.
Krazy Joe: Some people use it insultingly.

Krazy Joe: Sho?
Xochiquetzal: Joe?
Krazy Joe: Can you excuse me and Joss for just a half a sec?
Xochiquetzal: Of course.
Joe and Shock Tart move to the far side of the roof.
Shock Tart: Yes? What’s up?
Krazy Joe: <whispers to Shock> Ummm, has she mentioned that I let those three words slip?
Shock Tart: <whispers back> No, she didn’t. Does she know what they mean?
Krazy Joe: <whispers> I dunno. I kissed her when we woke up, and just said 'em. I dunno if she even heard. Can you, ummm, ya know... talk to her about it sometime?
Shock Tart: <whispers> Oh god, I really screw things up with her, but I can try. Are you sure? About the 3, I mean?
Krazy Joe: <whispers> Well, if not you, think Angel would do it? Hell, even Sarah could! <chuckles> Anywhos...let's not keep her waiting.
Shock Tart: <whispers> Yes, Sarah prob could better than me. But are you sure, Joe? It’s a big step.
Krazy Joe: <whispers> Yeah. I think I really do. She makes me happy, ya know.
Shock Tart: <whispers> Yeah, I know, Joe. You fairly "glow" around her.

They return to the grin-skinned alien. Joe fires up his flaming aura.
Krazy Joe: < Lemme warm ya up, babe.
Xochiquetzal: Mmmmm. Your warmth is much welcome, my hero.
Krazy Joe plops down and begins chewing on jerkey.
Shock Tart: Oh, that’s my cue.... I’m gonna go sneak into Suite’s place. And warm myself up. Later, you two.
Xochiquetzal: Enjoy yourself.
Shock Tart: Well, not as much as you; we don’t have a swing… yet. <smiling>

050611 Technochtitlani Emotion
06-11-2005 14:08:47 The following day…
Xochiquetzal: Greetings, all.
Liquid Robb: Hi there.
Shock Tart: How's it goin'?
Xochiquetzal: I had thought that Joe might be in the area.
Shock Tart: I haven’t seen him yet.
Liquid Robb: Me either.
Shock Tart: Xochi, can I ask you a Question?
Xochiquetzal: What question, Shock?
Shock Tart: Do your people have feelings like love and hate?
Xochiquetzal: Oh, indeed we do.
Shock Tart: Oh cool! So you have feelings of Love, would that be for a mate?
Xochiquetzal: The hate Hurakan holds for Kukulkan is one of the most perilous political situations amongst my people. And it is best if feelings of Love were reserved for one's spouse; it is dangerous to have feelings of love for a mate who is not one's spouse. That way lies tragedy.
Shock Tart: That is so true. Do you think you will ever go home?
Xochiquetzal: Going home is one goal that Medika suggested could be effected if I played the part of a super hero in your world. But the longer I am in this world -- the more attached to it I note myself becoming.
Shock Tart: So are you going to wait for a mate to be picked by your clan?
Xochiquetzal: I left home at the time that my clan was discussing espousing me to Tlaloc. He -- would not be my choice and so I -- took a leave of absence -- to -- accustom myself to the idea. I chose to pursue my studies here.
Shock Tart’s instincts get the idea that Xochi isn't telling the complete truth. However, she really doesn't want to marry Tlaloc.
Shock Tart: If you could choose your mate, would, ah, Joe be in the running for the honor?

A young figure joins the group.
Chaos Archemage: Hello.
Shock Tart: Hey Chaos.
Xochiquetzal: If I could choose... ah. Greetings, ahau Chaos.
Chaos Archemage: Hi there, Shock and Xoch.
Shock Tart: Yeah, hypothetically speaking...
Xochiquetzal: Hypothetically speaking, for a Technoctitlani to choose a human for spouse would imply that humans had achieved an ability ranking of high accord. It would be a very strong political statement. To tell true, that would not be hypothetical.
Shock Tart: Yes, well, I mean Xochi the person, politics aside.
Chaos Archemage: I consider myself a non conformist when it comes to politics.
Xochiquetzal: If Xochiquetzal could choose, all things being equal, she might be well content to warm herself at Joe's side. Albeit, as it stands, the price, according to our records, would be high. <shivers slightly>
Shock Tart: But if you can't go home, would that matter so much?
Xochiquetzal: <looks at Shock with something akin to sadness and her tone of voice is a bit odd> It might not be so bad.
The green skin woman shakes herself slightly and her tone becomes detached.
Xochiquetzal: I must go. Sweet water and white roads to you both.
Chaos Archemage: You too. <smiles> Shock Tart speaks up hastily, forestalling the other’s departure.
Shock Tart: I know you want to go home, Xochi. If I was in your shoes, I would too. But if I did find myself somewhere, where I might have to stay, I might look for someone to be warm with.
Xochiquetzal: <smile> You know not of my people, Shock. But I thank you for your concern. Joe is my bed warmer.
Shock Tart: And I know that Joe sincerely likes you and may even love you.
Xochiquetzal: Are you telling me that Joe is discontented with his contract?
Shock Tart: How can you get Joe loving you with his being discontented? I would say that makes him very contented.
Xochiquetzal: <somewhat disconcerted> I -- will think upon your words, Shock.
Shock Tart: Ok. Just letting you know in case you hadn't realized it yet.
Xochiquetzal: <with a touch of desperation> It is my work's thesis that -- humans, super humans, at least -- have developed to the point of being equals to the nobles of Technoctitlan. But I've not proved it yet.

Xochiquetzal: It is time for me to take leave.
Shock Tart: Have a good day, Xochi.

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