Sheryl A. Knowles - Paper & Pixels Champlogo

City of Heroes

The Champions Super Group Logs

050813 Shock vs. Blur

08-13-2005 19:00:42
Lady Blur finds several team mates in consultation atop a rooftop in Talos. The conversation appears to be well along before she arrives.

Shock Tart: <to Bansidhe> You? Are you aligned with the speed force now?
Lady Blur: Hello, team.
Malichi Samson looks up to Lady Blur and smiles.
Bansidhe: Ah, Carolly. How're ye this fine eve, lass?
Malichi Samson: Hiya.
Shock Tart: Hey.
Bansidhe hugs Lady Blur and Lady Blur hugs Ban back.
Lady Blur: I am well. Thank you.
Bansidhe: Joss? Somethin' wrong?
Shock Tart: Nice costume, Lee.
Lady Blur: Thank you, Joss. Am I interrupting something? I can leave.
Shock Tart: Is it new?
Lady Blur: Yes it is.
Carolly looks inquiringly at Bansidhe.
Bansidhe: Ye nae be interruptin' anythin'.
Lady Blur: And you're a poor liar, my dear Bansidhe.
Shock Tart: Need I say more.
Lady Blur: You three were not whistling Dixie.
Bansidhe pulls out a large knife.
Bansidhe: Carolly, may I see yuir hand?
Lady Blur holds out her hand to Ban; Bansidhe pokes the tip of one finger, to draw blood.
Lady Blur: <softly> I presume there is a reason behind this, my friend.
Bansidhe: Sorry about tha', lass. We jus' wanna be makin' sure ye're nae a Nemesis imposter. Now, Joss... what was th' other theory?
Shock Tart: I never said she was, you ass!
Lady Blur: Ah.
Shock Tart: I said she is not of our time.
Bansidhe: Well, I dinnae about any o' ye, but definitely be lookin’ like she's from our time. As she be sittin' before us.
Shock Tart: <irritated> Yes and so does her husband, Blur.
Malichi Samson: I wouldn't know. I've not been around long enough. The "Blur" incidents had already happened when I joined. I was just made aware of them not to long ago.

Bansidhe: Alright. Back t' th' original topic, then. Mal, d'ye trust me?
Malichi Samson: Not really, But I already tested you on if you had my best interests in mind.
Bansidhe: An' d'ye trust tha' I do?
Malichi Samson: Yep.
Bansidhe: An' ye've known me f’'r how long, Mal?
Malichi Samson: Not that long, less then 2 months, I'd say.
Bansidhe: Okay. Now, Joss...back t' ye. D'ye trust me?
Shock Tart: No.
Bansidhe: D'ye trust tha' I've yuir best interests in mind?
Shock Tart: No.
Bansidhe: Noted.
Shock Tart: As well.
Bansidhe: Then, Carolly, ye've no need t' be answerin' Joss's questions or accusations. Shock Tart: Then I am no longer needed here. I will submit my report to International.
Bansidhe: Joss?
Shock Tart: Yes, sir.
Bansidhe: Yuir report will go through my office. If nae through mine, then tis t' be submitted t' Eric. If ye feel th' need t' be callin' International, then ye should leave the city and head t' th' NYC HQ.
Shock Tart: So noted. You will both receive copies.
Bansidhe: Very well. They will be reviewed an' sent on t' International HQ.
Lady Blur: Wait, Joss. May I know what has caused this rift?
Shock Tart flies off without answering the lady speedster. Lady Blur looks very distressed.

08-13-2005 19:23:58 DEVIL Angel 2 has joined the team
Lady Blur: What -- what -- WHAT is going on?
Bansidhe: Lo, Angel.
DEVIL Angel 2: Evening.
Bansidhe hugs Angel who returns the hug. Lady Blur continues looking upset.
Lady Blur: Hello Angel. Do you know what's going on here?
DEVIL Angel 2: What’s wrong, Lee?
Bansidhe: Joss seems t' be a wee bit upset.
Malichi Samson twiddles his thumbs, looking at his hands.
Lady Blur: I don't know, Angel. I saw Ban, Mal and Joss talking so I dropped in -- and Joss immediately left talking about turning in her resignation or something to Champions.
DEVIL Angel 2: Really?
Lady Blur turns to the other two.
DEVIL Angel 2: Ban must have put a bur in her ass.
Bansidhe: I dunno.
Malichi Samson continues to look at his hands.
Lady Blur: Am I wrong? That's what I thought happened.
DEVIL Angel 2: Let me check.
Malichi Samson: Nothing about her resignation, Lady Blur, just her report.
Lady Blur: The tone of her voice – I thought her report was on her resignation. <pauses, thinking> Oh yes. Ban first cut my finger to see if I was a Nemesis robot.
DEVIL Angel 2: <reporting her mental contact with her sister>Yep, just her report.
Lady Blur: Report on what? Why was she upset?
DEVIL Angel 2: Shock does all kinds of work, Lee.

Lady Blur: And why did she say she didn't trust Ban? Nothing is worse for a team than to lose trust in one another.
Malichi Samson: Heck, Lady Blur, I don't trust him completely, but I do trust that he's got my best interests in mind. <Shrugs and shuts up again. >
DEVIL Angel 2: ‘Cause, frankly, there has been talk of a conspiracy between Bansidhe and the Blurs.
Lady Blur: I trust Bansidhe with my life, my fortune and my sacred honour. l have no higher trust in man. What's more, I trust him with Champions -- my friends -- which is to say my family, as far as my heart is concerned.
DEVIL Angel 2: Yes, that has been noted, as well as his total and complete trust in you and your husband.
Lady Blur: That is high praise indeed, Angel.
Bansidhe: Thank ye, lass.
DEVIL Angel 2: Take it as you will, Lady Blur.
Bansidhe: So, wha's eatin' Joss, Angel?
DEVIL Angel 2: That IS what’s eating her.
Bansidhe whispers in Mal's ear.
Bansidhe: I bet it be Gilbert Grape.
Malichi Samson snickers. Lady Blur looks at Bansidhe, puzzled. DEVIL Angel 2 smiles.
Bansidhe: I'm lost, Angel. What is that?
DEVIL Angel 2: You have too much power. Or, rather, they do.
Bansidhe: Who?
DEVIL Angel 2: The Blurs.
Bansidhe: Ach! So, Carolly is bein' accused o' havin' t' much power?
DEVIL Angel 2: This one is, yes, along with her husband, Blur.
Bansidhe: This one? I dinnae know there be a difference.
DEVIL Angel 2: And THAT is the problem with you.
Bansidhe: Me? I dinnae do anythin'.
DEVIL Angel 2: You do not differentiate between the 4 of them.
Malichi Samson looks confused and just listens.
Bansidhe: There be four o' Eric, now?
DEVIL Angel 2: <impatient> Shall I just call you Mr. Dumass now?
DEVIL Angel 2 smiles sweetly. Bansidhe glares at Angel.
Malichi Samson: Ban if I might, I think she's getting at there being two of Lady Blur, and Rush. At least that's what I'm understanding.

Bansidhe: I still be yuir superior, lass. Ye know I dinnae throw my weight around, but please keep th' subject clear.
DEVIL Angel 2: You’re the one muddying the waters -- Sir. We do not need confirmation.
Bansidhe: Ye dinnae need it, Angel? Has Carolly done ANYTHING suspicious or tha' could conceivably be considered an attack on any o' us?
DEVIL Angel 2: It’s not about an attack, Sir.
Bansidhe: Then can ye confirm, one way or another, tha' Carolly is a future version of herself?
DEVIL Angel 2 laughs. Malichi Samson sighs.
DEVIL Angel 2: Oh, we have plenty of tests that would prove it.
Malichi Samson: She's sitting right here, why not ask her? Instead of bickering between the two of you, why not just ask and find out?
DEVIL Angel 2: Because, Mal, for some reason known only to themselves, they choose not to tell us.
Carolly’s eyebrows rise.
Bansidhe: Because I know th' truth, Malichi.
Malichi Samson sighs again.
Bansidhe: Carolly is who she says she is.
DEVIL Angel 2: Not in argument.
Malichi Samson: But your bickering will solve nothing, and I've not heard her say she's anyone, Ban.
Bansidhe: Then if she has in no way acted hostile towards anyone, I dinnae see any reason t' nae trust her.

DEVIL Angel 2: * Mal, please don’t bring his wrath upon yourself.*
Lady Blur: <irritatedly> I am Carolly Rachel Arundell Lawson. A member in good standing of Champions.
Malichi Samson: I have no reason to believe she's anyone other then Lady Blur. I'm just giving advice as I see fit.
Lady Blur smiles at Malichi.

Bansidhe: Alright, here's what I…
The Bansidhe fades into thin air.
DEVIL Angel 2: <smugly> See. This is what this is all about.
Lady Blur: <anxious> This is not good!
DEVIL Angel 2: Why? You'll get to see your husband now, Lee.
Lady Blur: <distressed at Angel’s tone of omniscience> What is going on, Angel? Why did Ban disappear? Angel. <holding temper in check> What do you know of Ban's disappearance?
Eric Lawson appears amidst the group, dressed in a casual suit of white.
Rush 2.0: I know of it, love.
DEVIL Angel 2 laughs.
DEVIL Angel 2: See, I told you.
Lady Blur: What game are you playing, Angel?
DEVIL Angel 2: I could ask the both of you the same thing.

Malichi Samson: Ah so this is Rush?
Rush 2.0 hugs and kisses Lady Blur.
Rush 2.0: Please, Mal, call me Eric.
DEVIL Angel 2: No, Mal, this is Blur. Her Husband.
Malichi Samson: Oh, Blur....
Malichi Samson eyes him.
Lady Blur: Eric, I'd like to introduce Malichi. Malichi this is my husband …
Rush 2.0 raises an eyebrow at Lady Blur.
Lady Blur: Eric Lawson, Chief Operations Officer for Champions, Paragon City.
DEVIL Angel 2: The 6 k or 60 version?
Angel laughs harshly. Malichi Samson stutters after hearing Angel.
Lady Blur: <smiling at the look in Eric’s eye> Yes, love. I know you know his paperwork. But I believe introductions are proper.
Malichi Samson: I'll call you Blur. I'm not on a first name basis with you.
Rush 2.0: As I said, Mal, please call me Eric.
Lady Blur: Around the office, Mal, he is Eric or Rush.
DEVIL Angel 2: Nice suit, Blur.
Rush 2.0: Thank you, Angel. The business suits always get a bit itchy.
DEVIL Angel 2: Looks good.
Rush 2.0: Thanks.
Malichi Samson: This isn't the office, Lady Blur, and even though I know your name, I still use your code name.
Lady Blur smiles at Malichi.
Lady Blur: When Eric is in the suit, he's Eric Lawson.
Malichi Samson: He's Blur to me ‘cause I don't know him yet.
Rush 2.0: So, please, call me Eric.
Lady Blur: Then just call him Eric Lawson.
Malichi Samson: The only reason I <clears his throat> allow someone to call me Malichi or Mal is cause I didn't give myself a code name. Once I get to know you, I'll see if I want to call you by your name.... Deal?
Lady Blur: Then look at it this way, Mal... The name "Blur" is emotionally loaded. Even Eric got incredibly angry with me when he first learned that I had chosen it as my code name
Rush 2.0: Yeah. It's a bit emotionally loaded.
Lady Blur: It would be nice if we all could move away from the emotionally loaded terms.
DEVIL Angel 2: For all intents and purposes, Mal, he is Rush aka Eric Lawson.
Rush 2.0: Thank you, Angel.
DEVIL Angel 2: And our immediate leader.
Malichi Samson: Fine, it's Rush; but I'm not completely comfortable with first names when I've not gotten to know the person.
Rush 2.0: Then feel free to call me Mr. Lawson. I prefer not to be called Rush, as I gave up that codename a few millennia back.
Malichi Samson sighs.
Malichi Samson: Very well.
Rush 2.0: Mal, I'm actually 6,639.

Lady Blur: Angel, do you know why Joss is so upset. I'm a bit upset about it and I don't even know what happened
DEVIL Angel 2: Lady Blur, the answer to your question is that Shock has many jobs to do…
Lady Blur: As do we all, Angel. But what of her jobs has her so upset?
Rush 2.0: Oh? There's a problem with Joss, now? Angel, catch me up to speed?
DEVIL Angel 2: …and Ban is a hard head and threatened her with insubordination.
Rush 2.0: Oh boy. What's going on, Angel?
DEVIL Angel 2: There’s not really a problem with her. You know she is a prosecutor and works for the Hero’s League of Defense.
Rush 2.0: Okay...?
DEVIL Angel 2: Sometimes she is asked to do other jobs by other government agencies.
Rush 2.0: Wait. What's her problem with, Ban? And I apologize about taking his place so abruptly. The target was moving and I'm not exactly a trained assassin.
DEVIL Angel 2: There has been talk about a conspiracy between the, umm, "3" of you. Lady Blur: Whose talk?
DEVIL Angel 2: I am not privy to such things.
Angel shrugs.
Rush 2.0: Conspiracy?
Lady Blur: Conspiracy is a pretty loaded word. Who accuses such a thing?

DEVIL Angel 2: There has apparently been not enough action per se coming out of our division and the PTB want to know why?
Lady Blur's eyebrows go up.
Rush 2.0: The powers that be? You mean Champions International?
Lady Blur: <protesting> All the PC Champions are busy with missions. How can anyone say there's not enough action? Malichi alone has been a one-man squad.
Lady Blur smiles again at the teen. Malichi Samson grins slightly.
Malichi Samson: <quietly> But it is lonely, I'd prefer to be sent on missions with others, but I understand that I'm not capable of handling some of the bigger threats yet. As Ban said earlier, I've a few more people I need to impress first, whatever he meant by that.
Rush 2.0 grins at Mal.
Lady Blur: <whispers to Mal> You've impressed me.

DEVIL Angel 2: <to Eric> Yeah, that’s them. Champions International. They have, hypothetically, been monitoring something and have noticed some apparently odd things.
Rush 2.0: That Joss is privy to and not me?
DEVIL Angel 2: Apparently so. So you may want to take Your wife on, umm, vacation for a while? I hear Aruba is nice.
Rush 2.0: Angel, this may or may not come as a surprise to you, but I've been acting in conjunction with Champions International since I came back to this time. That'd be me and Champions International.
Where is Joss now? Angel, would you mind calling Joss and having her come meet with me, please?
DEVIL Angel 2: Sure, no problem. Later, guys.
Rush 2.0: Take care, Angel.
The healer heads out.

Malichi Samson: Hard to impress someone that you never see or hear from but whatever.
Lady Blur: What do you mean, Mal? Every person who has worked with you, has turned in a favourable report.
Rush 2.0: Ahhh. There comes the attitude.
Lady Blur: Malichi Samson: What attitude? It's a true statement in my eyes.
Rush 2.0: In your eyes, sure. What you don't know is that your reports and those of the people you work with come across my desk.
Malichi Samson: Simple Lady Blur. How can you impress someone that has never seen you in action?
Lady Blur: That's what reports are for, Malichi.
Malichi Samson: Reports and paper work -- seeing is believing!
Lady Blur: <whispers> And Med and I are chopped liver, Mal?
Malichi Samson: No, Lady Blur. I'm sorry, but you should be able to tell by now I impress by my actions. I don't rely on others.

Shock Tart flies into the discussion.
Rush 2.0: Hi, Joss. How are you? Have a seat, darlin’. We're all friends here.
Lady Blur looks at Joss with a worried expression.
Shock Tart: Fine, sir, and yourself?
Rush 2.0: Confused.
Shock Tart: You can blame that damn hard header Scot for that.
Rush 2.0: Uh oh. You and Ban butting heads? This is... new.
Shock Tart: Not really, but I did fly all the way back here just to speak with you.
Rush 2.0: So, what's going on, Joss? I wanna hear your side.
Shock Tart: I will get right to the point. First there is no side. I have been instructed to write a report on the current goings on in Champions SE.
Rush 2.0: Ummm...why? Red Heat usually handles that team's reports.
Shock Tart: I misspoke; I meant Champions Paragon City. It would seem that some of your paper work did not make their desks and they are growing concerned.
Rush 2.0: My paperwork? I have all of my paperwork on their desks after I read it. One of the joys of being a speedster.
Rush 2.0 grins.
Lady Blur: Joss, are you saying that someone's been lifting Eric's reports after he's delivered them to Champions International?
Shock Tart ignores the question, concentrating on Eric.
Shock Tart: It would also seem that, in light of your somewhat secretive "endeavors"…
Rush 2.0: Oh! You mean taking Angel and Medika to the future? That wasn't secretive. They had a full report.
Shock Tart: …The switching of your wives did not go unnoticed my some of the members of Champions and has them not trusting her.
Rush 2.0: What're you talking about, Joss?
Shock Tart: Oh, please! I'm just telling you so you know. I don’t have to. I could just submit the report and let the leaves fall as they may.

Rush 2.0: Joss, let me explain a little something you should know. Champions International is aware of every single action I take. With my past actions painting me as a villain, my reappearance raised a number of eyebrows...especially considering I walked in their front door.
Lady Blur: I can't imagine but that Red Heat wanted Blur's scalp!
Rush 2.0: For them to even begin to trust me, I had to explain more than I wanted and agree to a large number of conditions. As such, I cannot take any action without reporting it to Champions International or they send a team in after me.
Shock Tart: Then my report should have no negative effect on you.
Rush 2.0: What report would that be, Joss?
Lady Blur: The one she said she was asked to write, love.
Shock Tart: I just told you what report.
Rush 2.0: You told me something about you and Ban having words. I'm still a bit fuzzy on that. Trust me, hon, I wanna hear your side of the story before his paperwork hits my desk. We all know how passionate the Scot can be, at times.

Shock Tart: He is not the best source for information, as he sees no difference between the 4 of you.
Rush 2.0: The four of me? Ah, hell!
Shock Tart: You and your wives.
Rush 2.0: Wives? Joss, I'm only married to one woman.
Malichi Samson: She means you, Rush, and the two Lady Blurs. I already explained that to Ban when he was confused what she meant.
Rush 2.0: The two Lady Blurs, eh? What leads you to believe there are two Lady Blurs?
Shock Tart: Alright then! Allegedly the 2 Lady Blurs. Whatever. If she is requested to come in for testing, you will have your proof.
Rush 2.0: Who?
Lady Blur: Me, love.
Rush 2.0: OH!
Shock Tart: Your wife! The woman sitting here with us now.
Lady Blur: And what sort of proofs do "they" want, Joss?
Shock Tart: I can not say, Lee. I have already said too much and I really don't know.
Rush 2.0: Ah, Carolly... are you a Nemesis automaton?
Malichi Samson sighs.
Rush 2.0: What, Mal?
Malichi Samson: Show him the cut on your finger.
Lady Blur: No, love. <Strips off her glove and shows the cut Ban made.> He may have my blood or anything else. I'm a Champion; I fight the good fight.
Rush 2.0: That silly bastard!
Malichi Samson: We went though that once with Ban.
Rush 2.0: Ah. Gotcha, Mal. He would. <mumbles> Surprised he didn't wanna shoot her as proof.
Shock Tart: Not Ban, Mr Dumass.
Rush 2.0: Oh, yes! Ban would have, Joss. He's been trigger happy, lately.
Shock Tart: Yes, but he loves her no matter when she is.
Rush 2.0: When she is? She's here, right now.
Shock Tart: What ever.
Malichi Samson: And as for why someone might think there are 2 Lady Blurs, Mr. Lawson, there are two of you.

Rush 2.0: Wait. Joss?
Shock Tart: Yes, sir?
Rush 2.0: Are you suggesting that Carolly, Lady Blur, is a future version of herself - like I am of Rush?
Shock Tart: No, I was not suggesting it.
Rush 2.0: Then, were you making a flat out accusation?
Shock Tart: No, I was not.
Rush 2.0: Then what?
Shock Tart: Frankly, sir, for being so smart, you forget who is on our team. This Lee has ‘way too much in her head for her to be "our" Lee.
Rush 2.0: How do you mean?

Speaking telepathically,
Shock Tart to Lady Blur: *Is he always like this?*
Lady Blur to Shock Tart: <amazed to hear the other’s voice in her head> *Wow! Med mentioned this. And, um, he can be pretty thick-headed at times. But I love him.*
Shock Tart to Lady Blur: *It’s not that you are here that bothers the younger players; it’s that no one told them, and after the Blur incidents, they don’t trust you either.*
Lady Blur to Shock Tart: *I have done nothing to betray anyone's trust; I simply wanted to make sure that all Lady Blur's assigned missions got done on time.*
Shock Tart: There are people in this SG who can read minds, sir. And she had too much in hers.
Rush 2.0: To whom are you referring? About the reading minds thing.
Shock Tart: I can, and Medika can, and so can Angel. But you know this.
Rush 2.0: Get outta my head, Joss. You can't read my mind, but you can communicate with me.
Shock Tart laughs.
Shock Tart: True, but others can.
Rush 2.0 looks over at Lady Blur.
Rush 2.0: Love, you have to remember to keep your blocks up, constantly.
Lady Blur: I love these people, Love.
Rush 2.0: Yes, love, I know. That's why I'm here and not acting as some sycophant wizard behind a curtain.
Lady Blur: It didn't occur to me that someone I loved would read my mind, Eric.

Rush 2.0: Okay, Joss. Now you know for certain.
Shock Tart: I already did.
Rush 2.0: So, what's the big deal?
Malichi Samson looks only a little lost to what just went on.
Rush 2.0: International knew this some time ago. So should have Sarah, believe it or not.
Shock Tart: After what you did to Med and Angel, the younger players are afraid of you both and don’t want to trust you -- either of you.
Rush 2.0: Either of us? With me? I can imagine. With Carolly? I can't. She walks on eggshells.
Shock Tart: Yes, sir, but they don’t know what she can do.
Rush 2.0 pulls out a little box.
Rush 2.0: See this, Joss? It's a power inhibitor.
Shock Tart: Ok.
Rush 2.0: It was one of the terms that I had to agree to. I agreed, reluctantly, but I agreed. So did Carolly. Show them, love.
Lady Blur pulls out a similar box.
Shock Tart: That’s all well and good, but you still were able to do what you did.
Lady Blur: Our powers have always included being part of the Speed Force, Joss.
Rush 2.0: Would you like to know why I did what I did, Joss?
Shock Tart: Why?
Rush 2.0: Because, by HQ's testing, they realized that if I really wanted to, I could rip this entire planet from this timestream and replace it with an earth where all life had died out long ago.
Shock Tart: So...?
Rush 2.0: I agreed to attempt changing the future and agreed to not prevent it by sacrificing what could be. Of course, Portal Corp would have been royally screwed up for a number of months...
Rush 2.0 grins. Lady Blur looks at Joss’ and Mal's puzzled faces.
Shock Tart: I don't understand.
Lady Blur: Explain better, my love.
Rush 2.0: I can, if I so choose, play god. I still could.
Lady Blur: <firmly> But you never will.
Shock Tart: And again I say You already have played god from my point of view. What’s your point?
Rush 2.0: Seeker and the others at Champions International convinced me to attempt to change the impending future instead of preventing what could happen.
Shock Tart: Ahhhh, alright then, that makes sense.
Malichi Samson: But if you change the future don't you prevent the changes?
Rush 2.0: I could move this earth to another reality that would not be adversely affected.
Shock Tart: Whatever.

Rush 2.0: What do you mean “whatever”? Has what I've been saying not been clear?
Shock Tart: <doggedly> Apparently, they are concerned with the inner workings of the SG.
Rush 2.0: They being Champions International?
Shock Tart: Yes.
Rush 2.0: I would've thought they'd notify me if there was a problem with my actions.
Malichi Samson: Might I say, there might be someone in International that doesn't fully trust you yet and is just covering their bases?
Rush 2.0: No, Mal. All of the chairs had to agree on letting me come back or I would have been considered a rogue operative.
Shock Tart: It would seem that your "trip" with Angel and her subsequence, umm, inaction have drawn their attention. Look, I just came to tell you about this report because someone thinks you and Ban have too much power. Now if there is a problem in International, I couldn't say, since you are telling me that you are acting with their permission.
Rush 2.0: I come from here, Joss. This is my home. I was born on this earth, in this timestream. I love the people. I don't want to see, over the span of almost a century, 20 billion lives snuffed out by an alien race.
Shock Tart: No, instead you'll watch my nephew do it.
Lady Blur: No, Shock, no. We will make that not happen. We. All of us.

Malichi Samson: Um What Mr. Lawson was saying about his powers is not really clear. What would happen to the Earth in the reality that you moved this one too? would it take this one’s place? And then wouldn't it suffer what we are supposed to if something isn't changed?
Lady Blur: Exactly, Mal.
Shock Tart: I apologize, that was rude and uncalled for. I did not mean for this to become personal.
Rush 2.0: Thank you. Apology accepted. You don't have any idea how much Archangel means to me.
Rush 2.0 looks down for a moment.
Shock Tart: No, I don’t.
Lady Blur gets up and puts her hand on Rush's arm in a gesture of comfort.
Rush 2.0: Mal, to answer your question... I know of an Earth that is desolate. No life exists on it.
Malichi Samson: Ok that answers my question since it has no life, then it makes my points void.
Rush 2.0: Joss?
Shock Tart: Yes, sir?
Rush 2.0: I want you to understand, while my actions may be very questionable, every action I take has always been for the greater good of humanity. It may not always seem so, but I assure you that your life... Mal's life... every life on this planet is very important to me. Even those who wish to dominate it or even end life.
Shock Tart: Point taken. Now if you have an inner issue with the PTB, you may want to check on that before I submit my report Monday morning.
Rush 2.0: If you'd like, Joss, I can have that report on their desk within two seconds. Shock Tart: Sorry, sir, I must decline your offer.
Rush 2.0: Joss, I repeat. Champions International is aware of every single action I take.
Shock Tart: Good, then we will have no worries from them.
Rush 2.0: What do you mean, Joss?

Malichi Samson: Ok, I have a question about your actions.
Rush 2.0: Yes, Mal?
Malichi Samson: Actually your last few comments answered my question.
Rush 2.0: What, Mal? That I care about even our enemies?
Malichi Samson: Basically, I was gonna ask what would your actions be if I was to threaten to destroy this world, Granted I can't, but if I could.
Rush 2.0: Mal, the heroes of this planet would stop you. That doesn't mean we don't care. We're heroes. It's what we do.
Malichi Samson: Or rather I should rephrase that question: if in a future time I was to have done it, how would you change it?
Rush 2.0: Who's to say you won't try?
Shock Tart: You will be squashed like the bug you are, little man.
Shock Tart grins at Mal.
Malichi Samson: Not the point of my question, Mr. Lawson. I was asking what your actions would be if I did in the future, what would your actions be to change me from doing that? Be it kill me or do something that would cause me to change who I was in that future.
Lady Blur: Mal, we would stop you and try to restore you to your normal mind. We would try our best to save you and the world.
Malichi Samson: Just wondering ‘cause his actions have seemed a bit harsh, Lady Blur.

One of the new members, Pyrobabe, flies in to join the convocation.
Rush 2.0: Hello, Pyro.
PyroBabe: Hello, I hope I didn't come at a bad time.
Rush 2.0: Not really, because all things that were being kept secretive are out in the open.
Lady Blur: Hello Pyro. We're trying to straighten some things out.
Shock Tart: Hey Babe.
Malichi Samson: Hi Pyro, nice to meet you.
PyroBabe: Hello Mal, Shock and Lady.
Shock Tart: Oh, and by the way Eric.
Rush 2.0: Yes, Joss?
Shock Tart: I told Ban that I would take my family away if you threatened them any harm in any way again. He will most likely be putting that in his report.
Rush 2.0: Joss?
Shock Tart: Yes, sir.
Rush 2.0: You should talk to Julia sometime.
Shock Tart: I have.
Rush 2.0: I mean about what I just said, Joss. I believe Julia very firmly accepted what I just told you.
Shock Tart: Angel came to you as a friend and you royally fucked her up. Whether you meant to or not. I cannot allow that to happen again.
Lady Blur: Shock, Angel does not suffer from the memories Blur inflicted upon her. Horn, Ban and Med took on that "attack." You KNOW that.
Lady Blur turns to Rush.
Rush 2.0: Yes, Carolly, she did. Angel suffered through something she will hopefully never see again.
Shock Tart: No offence, Ms Blur, but you do not know how messed up she is.
Rush 2.0: I do, Joss. She's messed up from what she saw in the future.
Shock Tart: Now you will have to live with that fall out.
Lady Blur: Should we not ask Medika to use her healing powers on Angel then?
Shock Tart: I don't think even the powerful Medika can help her, Ms Blur.
Lady Blur: <softly> Healing minds was the gift Blur's first attack on Angel gave Medika.

Rush 2.0 gets in Shock's face.
Rush 2.0: Joss, are you threatening me for wanting to see you grow old?
Shock Tart: I did not threaten you, sir.
Rush 2.0: Then please back down. Your tone is very threatening. My actions, for all the harm they have caused, may have cemented a life for you and the rest of the world that you would have never known.
Shock Tart gets back in his face.
Shock Tart: I can do nothing to you physically to harm you. I said I would not let you hurt any of them again.
Lady Blur: I would like to point out that Blur did not harm any of your family, Joss. How Angel reacted to her learning experience in the future is HER reaction and none of Eric's doing.
PyroBabe: <thinking> (I am to a point... Not much I can say in this conversation so I'm wisely staying out of it.)
Shock Tart: Ms Blur, you should really stay out of this. It is not your concern.
Lady Blur lifts her eyebrows.
Rush 2.0: Actually, Joss, it's as much of concern to her as yours. The same for the quiet Pyro. The same for Mal. The same for any civilian walking below us.
Lady Blur: <very softly> You, Angel, Eric, Mal, Med, Pyro -- are none of them my concern? I certainly hope you do not believe that!
PyroBabe raises eyebrow at last statement regarding her.
Shock Tart: Then so BE it. Ms Blur, if your high-handed husband had not taken my sister to the future, she would be as she was, not as she is now.
Malichi Samson turns the volume up on his com link and moves to the edge of the building, getting bored.
Rush 2.0: And if I hadn't taken your sister to the future, Joss?
Shock Tart: If you think that my sister is not my family and her seeing what she saw did not hurt her, then you are very much mistaken.
Lady Blur: Seeing such things do hurt.
Rush 2.0: If she had not seen those things, then you would never have believed me when I said there'd be a second Rikti invasion and Earth's heroes LOSE.
Shock Tart: We will still have to wait and see, now won’t we, Rush?
Rush 2.0: Eric.
Lady Blur: NO!
PyroBabe: <whispering to Mal> I don't think I should be here for this......
Malichi Samson smiles.
Malichi Samson: <whispering in return> I don't think I should be here, but trust me, you're here, you’re just as stuck as I am.
Shock Tart: You did not have to leave her there for 3 years and let her see what she did!
Malichi Samson: <whispers to Pyro> Think of it as a learning experience.
PyroBabe: I wouldn't say stuck...more like feeling awkward in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Malichi Samson: True, Pyro.
Rush 2.0: Would you rather prevent it, Joss, or live in blissful ignorance until the future leads you like a lamb to the slaughter?
Shock Tart: Like you showed Angel?
Rush 2.0: Yes, Joss. Like I showed Angel.
Rush 2.0 smiles.
Shock Tart: <sarcastically> Oh, sir, you’re all heart.
Rush 2.0: Tell you what, Joss.... Wanna make a deal, little miss lawyer?
Shock Tart: No. I want to leave before I say something else.
Lady Blur: Gently, love; gently, Joss. We are family.
Rush 2.0: No, no. Joss, this would save your sister a lot of heartache.
Shock Tart: Are you going to erase her memory?
PyroBabe: <whispering to Mal> Does this happen often?
Malichi Samson shakes his head.
Malichi Samson: First I've seen of it, but I've only been around about 2 months or so now.
PyroBabe: Oh good, I'm not the only "green" one here, so to say, then.
Malichi Samson: Nope. <smiles>

Rush 2.0: No. I can make it that it never happened - to her. Would you care to take her place, Joss?
Shock Tart: If you can’t erase her memory of what she has seen, then it really doesn’t matter.
Rush 2.0: She would have never experienced it, Joss. It would be YOUR experience.
Lady Blur: <solftly> She'd have no memory of it, Joss, because it would never have happened to her.
Rush 2.0: What will it be, little miss mouthy lawyer?
Malichi Samson: If I might, Mr. Lawson.... that would solve nothing cause then the roles would be switched and you'd be offering this to Angel instead, because she'd be to one in Shock’s place now.
Lady Blur: But, Joss, what would YOU do with such memories?
Shock Tart: Oh, now you want to take me instead, uh? Now why would you do that when you said you did it because she played a pivotal role -- and I die in a few years? What would the point be then, other than that you could hurt me? This is why I don’t trust you.
Lady Blur: Joss, can't you see how knowing the evils of that future MOTIVATES one to make sure it does not come to pass?
Rush 2.0: I didn't do it to hurt anyone, Joss. I did it to save humanity, you idiot.
Shock Tart: Damn you!
Shock Tart storms away. Rush 2.0 manipulates Shock's kinetic energies and pulls her back.
Rush 2.0: Thank you. You know, it's kinda rude to turn your back and run off. We're adults. Children do that kinda thing.
Malichi Samson sighs and then blinks.
Lady Blur: Joss, if you won't believe and won't trust, how can we ever prevent the horrors Med and Angel and Eric have seen?
Rush 2.0 begins screaming; Lady Blur puts her arms around her husband.
Lady Blur: <trying to be soothing> Love, love, love....
Shock Tart: You are seriously fucking twisted.
Malichi Samson looks over at Shock, startled, then pulls out his phone.
Lady Blur: <looking at Shock in distressed disbelief at the other woman’s callousness> He is not twisted!
Breaking away from Carolly, Rush 2.0 grabs Shock and begins glowing.

Lady Blur: No, Eric. NO!
Eric releases Shock and falls to the ground. PyroBabe is unsure on how to react to all this. Lady Blur runs over and kneels next to Eric.
Rush 2.0: The...I...
Malichi Samson hands Shock the phone. Shock speaks quietly into it.
Lady Blur: <whispers> Love...
Rush 2.0: The future is gone, Carolly.
Lady Blur's eyes widen.
Lady Blur: <gasps> Oh.
Shock Tart: Shit!
PyroBabe raises her eyebrows.
Rush 2.0: That kinda hurt.
Lady Blur: Let me check you, love.
Lady Blur becomes somewhat clinical as her nursing aspect takes over.

Shock Tart: <tightly> What else has happened now?
Rush 2.0: I've ...I need to concentrate a moment. I don't know, Joss. I couldn't move us into the timestream. Something prevented me.
PyroBabe: <watching Lady Blur> Ummm.....If you need some help, I could contact Saintly.......
Lady Blur looks at Pyro.
Rush 2.0: No, Pyro. I'm fine...for the most part.
Lady Blur: Saintly and Med together may be able to help Angel, you know, Joss.
Rush 2.0: It was more of a system shock as I attempted to manipulate the temporal energies surrounding Joss and I.
PyroBabe: If you say so..... I'm just at a loss when it comes this type of stuff.
Lady Blur: Was it my interference, love?
Rush 2.0: Feel the speed force, love. What is it telling you?
Shock Tart: I told you someone thinks you’re a threat!
Rush 2.0 concentrates a moment.
Lady Blur: Love... <speaking slowly> I ... feel the future still.
Rush 2.0: So do I. Something's changing. That's the only thing I can possibly fathom.
Lady Blur: That -- could be a good thing...
Rush 2.0: Or it could be bad.
Shock Tart: <spitefully> Maybe you tried to take me too far ahead, and I was already dead.
Rush 2.0: No, Joss. I can take you beyond your death. My powers are still completely intact.
Lady Blur: Both Angel and Med went beyond their deaths.

Rush 2.0: Mal, can I borrow you just a moment?
Malichi Samson: Um.....
Rush 2.0: Trust me, kid. I ain't gonna hurt ya.
Malichi Samson: <warily> What do you want
Shock Tart: Look, this thing has escalated to a bad place.
Malichi Samson: After what I just saw you about to try to do to Shock, I don't feel like helping you.
Lady Blur: Mal, you don't know what he was going to do to Shock
Rush 2.0: I want to try something that Joss won't trust me for and I can do to neither to myself nor my wife. Pyro?
PyroBabe: Hm?
Rush 2.0: Could I borrow you a moment?
PyroBabe: I suppose......
Rush 2.0 smiles.
Shock Tart: <bitterly> Sucker!
Rush 2.0 holds his hand out to Pyro.
Malichi Samson: You’re right, Lady Blur, I don't know. But I don't fully trust either.
Shock Tart: He was going to show me the future.
Lady Blur: That is a shame, Malichi.
Rush 2.0 looks to Mal.
Rush 2.0: This won't be like it would for you, but...
PyroBabe slowly takes Eric's hand into hers. Rush 2.0 ages Pyro ten years, for only a second and reverses it to her current state.
Rush 2.0: Would've worked better on the kid.
Lady Blur: <admiringly to Pyro> Wow. It's good to know you're still going to be "hot stuff" in 10 years.
PyroBabe doesn't really notice the changes done to her. Rush 2.0 turns back to Mal.

Rush 2.0: Ya just didn't wanna be a grownup, did you?
Rush 2.0 sticks his tongue out at Mal. Lady Blur tries not to laugh.
Malichi Samson: I'm perfectly happy being who I am, Mr. Lawson, and I had no idea you were going to do that.
PyroBabe: What just happened?
Rush 2.0: I sped up your metabolism to age you, rapidly, and then reversed it.
Lady Blur: Time acceleration, Pyro. And reversal.
Rush 2.0: Yeah. What she said.
PyroBabe: Interesting......I didn't feel a thing.

Rush 2.0: Joss?
Shock Tart answers tiredly.
Shock Tart: What?
Rush 2.0: Whether you like me or not, my anger toward you has just proven one thing.
Shock Tart: That you’re a fucking man?
Malichi Samson: Hey now!
Shock Tart: Oh sorry, Mal.
Lady Blur: Gently, Joss.
Malichi Samson: Not all of us are bad, even though I'm not quite a man.
Shock Tart laughs at Mal.
Lady Blur: Man enough to be a hero, Malichi.
Malichi Samson shrugs.

Rush 2.0: Be it for good or ill, the future has been changed. Angel's pain wasn't for nothing.
Shock Tart: We will still see, sir.
Rush 2.0: Yes, we will.
Shock Tart: Good night, all
Everyone feels a quick gust of wind.
Rush 2.0: Well, my report's been delivered.
Rush 2.0: G'night, Joss.
PyroBabe: Night, Shock.

Rush 2.0: Pyro, how are you finding your place in the group?
PyroBabe: I hope that I'm finding a good place in here at this time. I hope that the other Babes are helping out as well?
Rush 2.0: Does seem so, Pyro.
PyroBabe: Good.
Lady Blur: All the reports on our new members have been very favourable, Pyro.
PyroBabe: I'm glad to hear that for myself and the Babes.
Malichi starts jogging in place.
Malichi Samson: Sorry, I've been sitting too long.
PyroBabe: I just find it weird that the little age thing didn't really affect me all that much.
Rush 2.0: Not everything I do is drastic, Pyro. I just needed to test my powers.
Lady Blur: You might want to let Medika run a med scan over you, Pyro. The results might be interesting.
PyroBabe: I suppose....I haven't really seen a doctor since I was -- "gifted."
Rush 2.0: That's true, love. Last time I did that to long did they live? Three hundred years?
Lady Blur: I believe so, Eric. I sorta lose count after awhile.
Rush 2.0 laughs.
Lady Blur: Does Saintly Babe function as a doctor, Pyro? Medika has been wondering if Saintly can teach her more about healing....
PyroBabe: Saintly is... How can I put this? Not from around here, so to say.
Lady Blur: Oh, I've read some of the paperwork. That's all the more reason she might have new methods to teach -- or so Med is hoping.
Rush 2.0: So, Pyro...where IS Saintly from? Excuse the question. I haven't caught up on the paperwork.
Lady Blur: I read faster than you do, Love?
Rush 2.0: You always have. I just haven't actually read all the dossiers.
PyroBabe: Saintly is here to watch over the "relationship" that MB and I have. She thinks that MB is trying to corrupt me into the not-so-good side. She comes from “the heavens,” as she puts it. Considering MB is a demoness, I can believe that.....
Lady Blur: Hm. I wonder what Horn will say to Saintly.
PyroBabe: Not sure, but I hope that he doesn't get to angry if they ever meet.....
Rush 2.0: Ah, Horn's a demon.
Lady Blur: He's dating Medika. He seems to like life away from his "former employment". I don't think he'd be angry. Is MB the angry type?
PyroBabe: Put it this way, I USED to live in Atlas Park.....Since the explosion, I had to move to Steel Canyon and get a bigger space. One that was fire resistant.
Lady Blur: <giggle> When Krazy Joe moved into the apartment floor Medika owns, she got that section fire-proofed.
PyroBabe: I didn't think I would need it. Guess that proved to be a stupid thought.
Lady Blur: I take it that you are relatively newly come to your powers, Pyro.
PyroBabe: I've only had them for about a year. Lyra, the other soul inside me, has had them for several thousand years.
Lady Blur: Hm. You and Ningal might find a lot in common, I think, Pyro.
PyroBabe: Ningal?
Lady Blur: A Champion whose body is shared by the soul of an ancient Sumerian goddess.
PyroBabe: Oh.... I guess we share a common thing then.
Lady Blur: It sounds like it, Pyro.

Malichi Samson: Where'd Blur go?
Lady Blur pauses, concentrating.
Lady Blur: He went to the arena, Malichi.
Rush 2.0: <over the com link> **Ah, Shock wants to have a word with me.**
Malichi Samson: Ah ok.
Lady Blur: I could feel him along the speed force.
Malichi Samson: <snickers> Have fun!

The phone call Malichi made for Shock (prompted by the latter’s telepathic request) was, indeed, a summons for all of Shock’s sisters to gather at the psychically-sealed homestead left them by their super-hero parents. As eldest, Shock exerted her authority just as she had threatened.

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