Sheryl A. Knowles - Paper & Pixels Too High

City of Heroes

The Champions Super Group Logs

050724 Tiny Doc

07-23-2005 22:59:50
Krazy Joe left Malichi and Tiny Doc in the safety of a Portal Corp reception lounge, while he, Mr. Horndigity, and Malicious Babe defeat Neuron and his Electrodes. The two lowbies are bored silly.
Malichi Samson pulls his eye down and sticks his tongue out like in anime cartoons at Tiny Doc.
Tiny Doc: <hesitantly> Excuse me, young man. Did I do something to offend you?
Malichi Samson: No just passing the time.
Tiny Doc: I see. <pause> You have an aggressive look to you.
Malichi Samson: It's was supposed to be funny, you do have a sense of humor right?
Tiny Doc: I don't know. Sometimes I think so.

07-23-2005 23:02:13 [Team]Malichi Samson: ( he's a kid too remember :P )
07-23-2005 23:02:38 [Team]Tiny Doc: (Is he? I have no memory of any background at all save that he works for Chill)
07-23-2005 23:03:04 [Team]Malichi Samson: ( well maybe in his 20's but I consider that still kid like and OMG!!!!!) (Note: Tiny Doc is about 28 years old.)
Malichi Samson. Oh my god!!!!
A Circuit ran up to the pair and then away again, ignoring them.
Tiny Doc: <panting in fear, distracting himself> Are your arms actually robotic? Or is that close-fitting armor?
Malichi Samson: Just armor with robotics in it, I made them, I also have a full suit when I take a really dangerous mission.
Tiny Doc: You must have a great many contacts in the electronics industry to be able to get the parts you need in construction.
Malichi Samson: Nah, be surprised what you can make out of things in Radio Shack.
Tiny Doc: Does it cost a lot?
Malichi Samson: Eh, not when you take the "damaged" goods. <smirks>
Tiny Doc: The insurance riders for your parents or guardian must be large, for a minor to be fighting super villains.
Malichi Samson: In answer to your question, Doc, my parents pretty much disowned me when they found out I was a mutant, even though I don't really have any powers. I was just gifted with a high intelligence.
Tiny Doc: Your p-parents must have b-been pretty insecure. I am sorry.
Malichi Samson: Eh, I've moved on. They are closed minded, like many are. I don't hold any hard feelings for it though.
Tiny Doc: That's pretty broad-minded -- for a teenager.
Mr. Horndiggity: Seems fairly uncalled for from the Horn's perspective’ shouldn’t they have been proud to have a mutant child?
Malichi Samson: Well, Horn, lots of people fear mutants, even if they don't show any powers.
Tiny Doc: <still following his own train of thought> For anyone, come to think of it.

Malichi Samson pokes Doc. Tiny Doc pokes back. Malichi Samson grins. The 15-year old starts leaping around the foyer.
Tiny Doc: You get a lot of lift in your jumps, Malachi.
Malichi Samson: Guess I have a bit more muscle then the average non mutant then. <grins>
Tiny Doc: Your armor must not weigh you down very much. Mine feels like lead sometimes.
[NPC]Anjelica: Malichi Samson rescued my wife from the Council!
Malichi Samson: No, that's why I'm so fit, lugging this suit around.
The 15-year-old donned a bright green and blue suit of armor.
Tiny Doc: Bright and cheerful it is.
Malichi Samson: Oops.
Malichi Samson flips a switch. Now the armor appears in the sober team colours of black and red.
Malichi Samson: There.
Tiny Doc: The other bright colours might make villains want to swat you down.
[NPC]Anjelica: Malichi Samson saved my best friend from the Banished Pantheon!
Malichi Samson: They try, they normally fall themselves. <grins>
Tiny Doc: That's true for most heroes in this town, I guess.
Malichi Samson: Yeah, true.

He tried a few practise jumps, no longer reaching the height of the ceiling.
Malichi Samson: See! No lift with the jumps when I'm in the suit.
Tiny Doc: Hm. I can see that.
Malichi Samson yawns.
[NPC]Boris: I heard that Malichi Samson has a lead on a big Freakshow operation.
Malichi Samson: The life of a low security hero, just so much fun isn't it?
Tiny Doc: <chuckle> Ya. You said it, bro!
[NPC]Duane: My brother is worried about me living here, but with heroes like Malichi Samson around, I can't help but feel safe.
Tiny Doc: But lots of civvies seem to have heard about YOU on the news. They’re all talking ‘bout you.
[NPC]Hans: Even the vampyri are scared of Malichi Samson!
Malichi Samson: Yeah, only ‘cause I've done a few high profile missions is all

Tiny Doc: Do ya miss having a family?
Malichi Samson: I don't think about it.
Tiny Doc: Ya staying in the Champion's dorm? I'm told Mrs. Lawson -- Lady Blur -- makes good chocolate chip cookies.
Malichi Samson: Yeah, though I don't hang around much I'm out day and night doing missions trying to prove myself to the rest of the Champions, even though no one has brought that into question.
Tiny Doc: Shoot, bro. Aren't you overworkin' yourself? Whatcha got to prove? If even the average joe is talkin' 'bout you! You’re a bonafide hero.
Malichi Samson: Nah I don't think so, though when times like this come around I get very bored ‘cause I should be out there making a difference.
Tiny Doc: Ya. Minding the boss can be hard.
Malichi Samson: I don't think I'm a hero yet,... I've not taken down any big bad crime bosses, just disrupting gangs so far mainly.
Tiny Doc: Sure sounds like a hero ta me. Me -- I just sit on my duff and watch the real heroes work.
Spirit of Pain pats Tiny Doc on the head. Malichi Samson looks over at Pain.
Malichi Samson: Is it time yet?
Spirit of Pain shakes her head. Tiny Doc couldn’t feel anything through his blasted armor.
Malichi Samson: <resuming the conversation> Nah, you've helped me out a few times; if not for you I'm sure I would've ended up in the hospital.
Tiny Doc: Un-uh, bro. You must be thinking of somebody else -- like those lovely ladies Angel and Medika. They're healin' heroines!
Malichi Samson: Maybe, but I've taken you on some of my missions and you've kept me up and off my feet. <grins>
Tiny Doc: Can't remember doing so. Th'boss just keeps me around as a doorstop.
Malichi Samson: Well you have take my word for it.

Tiny Doc: <trying to change the subject> What's the trick to dealing with vampyri?
Malichi Samson: Hit ‘em hard and fast is what I've done. But then that's what I do with any enemies.
Tiny Doc: I'd heard they were a quick nap for an ordinary joe like me. Punchin' is not my bag.
There’s a thoughtful pause in the conversation.
Tiny Doc: Lotta grief you're givin' the villains. Or is it a lotta grief you're takin' out on 'em?
Malichi Samson: I say it's about equal.
Tiny Doc: Makes ya feel better?
Malichi Samson: Nah, not really. Just doing what I can after sitting on my ass during the invasion helpless and all.

Tiny Doc: Got plans for when ya grow up? Champions gonna send ya to college or sum'thin'?
Malichi Samson: Havn't thought about it, Most colleges I feel that it wouldn't be of any use, I already know everything they would try to teach me and what I don't know I learn to fast for how school works.
Tiny Doc: Gonna make it on yer own. I'm impressed. You're a big man, Malichi Samson.
Malichi Samson: Eh, I do what I can, and what I can't I do it anyways. <grins >
Tiny Doc: Go for it, man! Maybe you can build my next set of armor. It'd be nice ta have sum'thin' not so clunky.
Malichi Samson: Take, for example, my current mission that I should be working on, is Freakshow. I feel that I shouldn't be doing it alone, but I'm doing it anyways and they are falling like dominos.
Tiny Doc: I heard that Lady Blur was tryin' ta get a Freak mission. Maybe ya should ask her along...
Malichi Samson: I guess I could, I'm sure that my mission is a bit lower then what she is used to, but I'm always happy to have a pretty lady with me, even if she is married and wayyy older then I am.
Tiny Doc: <curiously> Who'd'ja rather work with?
Malichi Samson: I don't know. I've enjoyed working with everyone that the Champions have assigned me to.
Tiny Doc: Ya. I kinda like the fact th'boss has me hangin' out with Champions. Real pretty ladies here.
Malichi Samson: That there are, though I wouldn't have any luck with any. <grins> I'm only 15, after all.

07-25-2005 01:20:37
The missions being completed – Medika having joined in at some point, the group prepares to break up for the evening. Medika hears a hesitant voice over the Champions com.
Tiny Doc: Ms. Medika?
Medika: Yes, sir?
Tiny Doc: Ummm...could you help me?
Medika: If I am able to, I will be happy to help. What is it you need, sir?
Tiny Doc: Would you be able to...uh...ummm...teleport me to the top of the Atlas statue?
Medika: Of course I can. But -- I was told that you can fly...
Tiny Doc: The city guidebook says I should visit it and I don't know if I could fly that high.
Medika: I am sure that you can. Just try. I will be there to help.
Tiny Doc: N-n-no. I don't think I could do that, Ms. Medika.
Medika arrives in Atlas Park and teleports to the top of the globe. Tiny Doc stands on a balcony of City Hall.
Medika: Come to me, Tiny Doc. I will catch you
Tiny Doc: W-w-whoa.
Medika: Come to me, dear. You can do it.
Tiny Doc: Y-you w-want me f-fly up th-th-there?
Medika: I will be your safety net. Come to me.
Tiny Doc: But...but what if I...f-f-f-fall while flying?
Medika: Would you rather I port you here and then you fly down?
Tiny Doc: Y-y-yes, ma'am.
Medika: OK.
Medika: Recalling Tiny Doc Type something if you don't want a port!
Tiny Doc arrives on top of the badge symbol the city has place there.
Tiny Doc: Ooo! I got it!
Medika: Now, fly down to the flag
Tiny Doc: <looking down> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! T-t-t-t-too high!
Medika ‘ports herself to the dome of City Hall.
Medika: Come on down, please, Tiny Doc.
Tiny Doc: B-b-b-but I might f-f-f-fall.
Medika: You might. But I believe you will not.
Tiny Doc: T-t-t-t-too high!
Medika: You were higher than this, flying with Miss Hail. She told me about Striga.
Tiny Doc: Uh, I guess I wasn't paying attention.
Medika: She was the one flying too low -- and it got her into trouble.
Tiny Doc: If I don't pay attention, then I'm usually alright.
Medika: You flew nicely.
Tiny Doc: Okay. I'm gonna...gonna...oh, I can't. Did Mr. Ban do this?
Medika: Did Mr. Ban do what?
Tiny Doc: Fly this high? Cuz, ya know, he can fly.
Medika: Yes, Tiny Doc. Mr. Ban has flown as high as anyone I've ever met.
Tiny Doc: REALLY?
Medika: I do not lie, Tiny Doc.
Tiny Doc: Ok-k-kay...I'm just gonna...gonna...I'll just run and j-j-jump.
The flight is successful.
Medika: Good man!
Tiny Doc picks Medika up and hugs her.
Tiny Doc: I DID IT!
Medika: <softly> I know how it feels. The Boss used to leave me on very tall buildings.
Tiny Doc: I...I'm sorry. Did I...uh...I'm sorry.
Medika pats his arm.
Medika: You need not be sorry. I used to be afraid of being hugged. But I'm not so much anymore.

Medika’s com buzzed showing the identification code for PI Malice.
Medika: **We are atop City Hall. Would you care to join us?**
P I Malice: **If ya would be so kind, m’am.**
Medika: Recalling P I Malice Type something if you don't want a port!
A blond figure in a slouch hat appeared.
P I Malice: Thank ya kindly, ma'am.
Medika: You are very welcome, sir.
Malice’s com buzzed and he had to listen to a training lecture by Bansidhe.
P I Malice: <thought> (There’s no such thing as a quick lecture!!!!!!!)
Medika then gave the two new-comers a bit of a tour of the upper reaches around Atlas Plaza. There was some practising of suicide jumps interrupted by teleport recalls.
Medika: Recalling P I Malice Type something if you don't want a port!
Tiny Doc: OH!!! That was fun!
Medika: Recalling Tiny Doc Type something if you don't want a port!
Medika: You can fly high, Tiny Doc!

Medika: I will leave you gentlemen to a hopefully gentle night.
Tiny Doc: Ummm...
Medika: Yes, Tiny Doc?
Tiny Doc: Do ya gotta?
P I Malice: Buh bye Ma'am thanks for the healing and ports.
Medika: Why, Tiny Doc? You have your assignments... I don't want to interfere with your work.
Tiny Doc: Ummm... Ms. Medika?
Medika: Yes, doctor?
Tiny Doc: C-c-can I tell y-y-you something and you not tell C-c-chill?
Medika: Physician's honour, I will not tell.
Tiny Doc: I...ummm...well... <whispers in her ear> I like you.
Medika: <quietly> Thank you, Tiny Doc.
Tiny Doc: Uh, no...I...Ms. Medika, I really like you.
Medika: And I like what I know of you, Tiny Doc. I suspect that we will work together a lot if you stay with the Champions.
Tiny Doc: Well, I'm only here to help Mr. Ban.
Medika: And what is Mr. Ban if not a mover and shaker in the Champions?
Tiny Doc: But we're not a part of Champions, Ms. Medika. We're mercs.
Medika: I am not particularly privy to Champions' arrangement, Tiny Doc. I did not know that.
Tiny Doc: Yeah. I won't keep you if you need to go. I just wanted to let you know.
Medika: I suppose I should ask Ban if there's anything I should know about you -- and Mr. Chill and whomever else...
Tiny Doc: Chill doesn't talk nice about many people. He talks nice about Mr. Ban, but only cuz he's scared of the Banshee. Course, everybody's scared of him.
Medika: There is much to respect in the Bansidhe; but only evil need fear him, I believe.
Tiny Doc: I guess you could say that cuz you never knew him in the old days.
Medika’s face shows a shadow of the memories of being in Ban's mind.
Medika: I -- you are correct, Tiny Doc; I was not present in those days.
Tiny Doc: What's wrong, Ms. Medika?
Medika: I know the Bansidhe by other means, Tiny Doc.
Tiny Doc: Yeah, as a hero, I guess he's probably really impressive.
Medika smiles involuntarily.
Medika: Yes, at times I have been very impressed by Ban.
Tiny Doc: But, yeah, if you wanna ask Mr. Ban about me, that'd be cool.
Medika: Thank you for your permission.

Tiny Doc: Hell, the first time I read about him moving to Paragon, it was really awesome! He saved some guy named Lou and the guy's family.
Medika: What did the rest of the mercenary -- and crime circles -- think of Ban becoming a hero?
Tiny Doc: Oh, he's still got a bounty on his head. $500 million. Nobody's got the guts to go after him, though.
Medika: What sort of people would set that sort of price?
Tiny Doc: sure you wanna know?
Medika: Why should I not?
Tiny Doc: Well...cuz...I've...ummm... Can we move somewhere more private?
Medika: Yes, if you wish.
Tiny Doc: Like up there?
Tiny Doc points up to a very tall building. The two make their ways to the rooftop.
Tiny Doc: Ooo! We're higher than the blimp!
Medika rushes over near the hulking armored figure to look, her eyes lighting up like a child’s. Tiny Doc hugs Medika.
Tiny Doc: Thank you for helping me with my fear of flying high.
Surprised and caught off guard, the young physician takes a moment before responding, fearing that she might speak with the old fears.
Medika: <softly> Thank you, Tiny Doc. I was suddenly caught up with old memories of working with my boss.
Tiny Doc: Ah.

Tiny Doc: Ummm, I've read up on you.
Medika: Have you? I wouldn't think there's much to read.
Tiny Doc: More than you know. There's a lot of stuff on your time here in Paragon City.
Medika: It only got complicated recently -- since Blur
Tiny Doc: Who's Blur?
Medika: A complicated story.
Tiny Doc: Ah.
Medika: There can't be much on me in Paragon.
Tiny Doc: Actually, there's a lot.
Medika: That's odd. I've been here -- well, about as long as I've been anywhere, I guess. Except Harvard.
Tiny Doc: But you were askin’ who would wanna see Ban dead.
Medika: Yes, I was asking that.
Tiny Doc: You remember when he went back to Scotland to stand trial?
Medika: Yes, I was told about that.
Tiny Doc: Well, there were some countries that were kinda "pressed" to drop charges.
Medika: I -- see.
Tiny Doc: Believe it or not, England was one of 'em. Russia and Israel, too.
Medika: It is some measure of Ban's value as a hero that one government would be willing to do that to another government.
Tiny Doc: Oh, Israel actually wants him alive, though.
Tiny Doc chuckles.
Tiny Doc: It's rumored that the United States pressured those other countries into dropping the charges.
Medika: All civilized countries should want a man alive for fair judgment.
Tiny Doc: And, to tell you the wasn't the U.S.
Medika glances at Tiny Doc, curiously. Tiny Doc chuckles.
Tiny Doc: Ban's information network is still kept up.
Medika: So Mr. Chill indicated. <dryly>
Tiny Doc: Yeah, but Chill isn't the man keepin’ it up.
Medika: Who is? And why?
Tiny Doc: Who? I can't tell you. Why? Because it's the greatest information network on the planet.
Medika: And the US gov wanted access to it?
Tiny Doc: Oh, they're one of the ones who want access, yeah, but they don't have access.
Medika: Tell me about it, Tiny Doc.
Tiny Doc: Israel pays the network top dollar when they can't get info on something or someone. Now, this is only a rumor, because I've met the man who claims to be in charge of it now...but rumor has it that Ban is still actually in control.
Medika: How accurate are such rumours generally?
Tiny Doc: Half and half in this kinda community.

Medika: Tell me more?
Tiny Doc: What would ya like to know?
Medika: I suppose I didn't understand what you did tell me.
Tiny Doc: Oh. I'm sorry.
Medika: I assumed that if -- England, Russia, and Israel -- were pressured into allowing Ban's immigration, then they did NOT put the price on his head.
Tiny Doc: Oh, no. England and Russia are the two biggest contributors. Russia, if Ban were to be taken out, would probably go bankrupt forkin’ in their fair share.
Tiny Doc laughs. Medika makes a mental note to check on Ban's current protections.

Tiny Doc: You ever heard of the rumors of an Illuminati?
Medika: I think I heard about it somewhere. A game, isn't it?
Tiny Doc: Nah. The Illuminati are supposedly this little group of people who control stuff like currency and markets and world governments and stuff.
Medika: I see. I'm not a financial wizard. I have a lawyer and accountant to do that.
Tiny Doc: It's true. There is a group like that, but they ain't as powerful as they think. There's even somebody pullin’ their strings.
Medika: Really?
Tiny Doc: Yep!

Medika's cell phone rings.
Medika: Excuse me a moment, Doctor.
Tiny Doc: Sure.
Medika pulls out phone and glances at the info screen. It shows Bansidhe calling.
Medika: **Hello, Medika here.**
Ban: **You wanted somethin', lass?**
Medika: **Did I, sir?**
Ban: **Well, I just felt you touch my mind, briefly.**
Medika: **<sighs> Yes, I suppose I did. I do apologize.**
Ban: **Not a problem, lass. Did ye need somethin'?**
Medika: **I -- am concerned about you, that is all. It is enough.**
Ban: **Why? Is there somethin' I should know, Sable?**
Medika: **And I would like an appointment with you -- to talk about some new -- acquaintances.**
Ban: **Ye mean Chill and Tiny?**
Medika: **Yes.**
Ban: **Dinnae worry about Chill. If he causes any problems, I'll put him in his place. As for Tiny, he's a good lad. Just fell in with the rough crowd.**
Medika: **I'm a doctor. I practise preventative medicine when at all possible. I'm wondering just how worried I should be...**
Ban: **While ye're on the phone, have ye seen Tiny? Chill was askin' me, earlier, about Tiny "openin’ his mouth too much."**
Medika: **And what is too much?**
Ban: **Preventive medicine? Somethin' I should know, Sable? Ye're bein a bit cryptic.**
Medika: **Yes, I am. A doctor must maintain her patients' privacy.**
Ban: **Tiny's the type, if he likes you or is comfortable with you, he'd tell ye almost everythin' he knows.**
Medika: **Then I suspect he needs extra protection, if things are as I am beginning to suspect.**

Tiny Doc whistles idly and keeps casting long glances at Medika.
Ban: **When can I meet ye, lass? If ye know somethin' ye think I should know, we need t' be discussin' it.**
Medika: **I have insufficient data. It's possible you know it all.**
Ban: **Wait. Are ye with Tiny or Chill, right now?**
Medika: **Yes.**
In less time than it took to realize that there was no one on the other end of the line, Bansidhe arrived before her on the rooftop. Medika rose to her feet in an almost defensive posture.
Bansidhe: Alright. I'm here. Hi, Tiny.
Medika: Hello, Bansidhe.
Tiny Doc looks at Bansidhe, but remains seated.
Tiny Doc: Hi Mr. Ban.
Medika speaks into her cell phone.
Medika: ** Excuse me for now.**
Bansidhe: Ye needed somethin', Med?
Medika puts the cell phone away.
Bansidhe: How are ye, Tiny?
Tiny Doc: Can't complain Mr. Ban. Just been talking to Ms Medika here.
Bansidhe: Good t' know, kid. When ye gonna get out from under Chill an' be what ye wanna be?
Tiny Doc: Not too sure, Mr. Ban, I'm not sure Chill would let me go.
Bansidhe: Hm.
Bansidhe chuckles. Medika reaches out and touches Tiny almost involuntarily.
Medika: Surely you are your own man, doctor?
Bansidhe: I could arrange otherwise, Tiny, and ye know it.
Tiny Doc looks at Medika slightly then turns back to Ban.
Tiny Doc: I know you could, Mr. Ban, but I don't want Chill mad with me either.
Bansidhe: Aye, Tiny. That reminds me...Chill keeps askin' me t' say somethin' t' ye about "loose lips" an' all. I know ye, Tiny. Jus' be careful who ye speak with.
Tiny Doc nods.
Bansidhe: Ye can trust Med, Tiny. She's definitively one o' th' good guys.
Tiny Doc: I've only been speaking really to Ms Med, Mal, and a few others that I've had the chance to meet.
Medika: May I have an instance of the harm "talk" has done previously, to present parties perhaps?
Bansidhe raises an eyebrow.
Bansidhe: Med, remember th' situation Patriot's in?
Medika: I do
Bansidhe: An instance where "talk" could be harmful.
A cloud of frustration passes over Medika’s face and is quickly mastered.
Medika: I understand, Bansidhe. I keep many things under the physician's seal of privacy

Tiny Doc stands and turns around to show his cape to Ban.
Bansidhe: Nice, lad.
Tiny Doc: How's it look on me, Mr. Ban?
Bansidhe: Looks good on ye, Tiny.
Tiny Doc grins even though it's hidden under his helmet.
Tiny Doc: Thanks, Mr. Ban.
Bansidhe: Aye, Tiny. <turning to the young woman> Alright, Sa...Med. Why were ye probin' me mind?
Medika: <sigh> I had not meant to, Bansidhe. Tiny had been telling me about the price -- the enemies you still have --
Bansidhe: Ach!
Bansidhe laughs. Tiny Doc jumps slightly then lowers his head.
Bansidhe: Ye mean the $500 million on me head?
Medika:..and I could not help but wonder what additional protections we should devise for you.
Bansidhe: Aye, lass, I know well about it.
Medika: I thought you would.
Bansidhe looks at Tiny and chuckles.
Medika: Your knowing can not keep your friends from being concerned....
Bansidhe: Ye still love braggin' about me don't ye, lad?
Tiny Doc nods. Bansidhe folds his long legs under him and gestures to the space between himself and the hulking armored figure.
Bansidhe: Have a seat, Med.
Tiny Doc: I just like letting people see that I know things, Mr. Ban; makes me feel good that I know things that they don't.
Medika: Was that bragging, Tiny Doc?
Tiny Doc looks at Med and nods slightly.
Bansidhe: Why do ye think I set up my information network, all those years ago, Tiny? Knowing things saves yuir ass more often than naugh'.
Medika: And the information network? Was that braggadocio as well?
Tiny Doc: True, Mr. Ban, and yes, Ms Med, it was, I guess.
Bansidhe: Nae, Med. The information network I set up is still in place and under good control. That Tiny has close t' full access is a good thing.
Medika: Is that how you read up on me, Tiny Doc?
Tiny Doc looks at Med then lowers his head with a nod.
Tiny Doc: Yes, Ms Med.
Bansidhe bursts into laughter. Medika shrugs and smiles slightly.
Medika: It really couldn't have much to say about me. Most of my life is open.

Bansidhe turns to Medika and smiles.
Bansidhe: Someone seems t' have a crush on ye, lass.
Medika looks at Tiny. Tiny Doc looks up quickly at Ban and stutters stupidly for a moment then falls silent again.
Medika: <softly> I'd heard that once a crush is brought out into the open, it's over.
Tiny Doc's shoulders slump.
Bansidhe: Sa...ah, t' hell with it. Sable, that information network keeps track o' anyone showin’ any sign or suddenly developin' super powers.
Medika: I see. Is that of interest to you, Ban?
Bansidhe: Aye. T'was. I always kept an eye out on any possible threat t' my empire.
Medika: <thoughtfully> And supers were a threat? I suppose so -- on either side of the law.
Bansidhe nods.
Bansidhe: Aye.
Tiny Doc sighs slightly, looking at Med, and begins to fidget uncomfortably a bit. Bansidhe laughs.
Bansidhe: Sable, th' lad has a crush on ye.
Medika: <getting sharp> And he need not have you needling him about it, Ban.
Tiny Doc jumps slightly at the quick tone change in Med's voice.
Bansidhe: I be needlin' him about it because he's th' closest thing I'll e'er have t' a younger brother, Sable.
Medika looks startled. Tiny Doc shoulders straighten a bit at hearing Bans words. Bansidhe smiles at Tiny.
Bansidhe: What, laddie? Ye think I kept yuir ass outta th' wetworks for no reason?
Tiny Doc: Thought you might have thought I wouldn't do a good job and foul things up, Mr. Ban.
Bansidhe: Nae, Tiny. I saw potential in ye that I dinnae want tainted by such darkness.
Bansidhe turns to Medika. Medika looks at Tiny Doc with more interest than hitherto. Tiny Doc sinks back down slightly as Med looks at him.

Medika: I know enough about information, safeguards, and staying underground to imagine what all that might be like.
Bansidhe: So I know, Sable. Eric wrote up a "report". He wanted me t' read it.
Medika: A report?
Bansidhe: Aye. A full "report", per se, of what you three went through.
Medika: We three?
Bansidhe: Aye. Ye, Angel an' Eric.
Medika looks older than her years for a moment.
Medika: I see. Has it any relevance to my worrying about your safety, Ban?
Bansidhe: If I died o' old age, Sable, that tells me that I needn't worry much about th' here an' now.
Bansidhe chuckles.
Medika: <soberly> In that future, you died of old age. I am glad. But I intend that future to never come to pass. We will determine our futures anew. Old age may or may not be a part.
Bansidhe: Jus' sayin, Sable. If I died o' old age in that kinda future, a brighter one might be seein' me die older.
Bansidhe grins.
Medika: <smiles> I would like that.
Tiny Doc: Well, it wouldn't be a brighter future if you died young, Mr. Ban.
Medika: <with jaw set, whispers> And if it means I figure out a way to blow them all to kingdom come, I will.
Bansidhe: An' besides...tis truly good t' know tha' me beloved would be willin' t' carry out my legacy through eternity.
Medika: <wistfully> Yes. Yes, that must be a good thing to know.
Bansidhe smiles brightly.
Bansidhe: Tiny, ye'll have t' meet me Spirit now that ye're in Paragon. She's a wee lass, but she packs a mean punch.
Tiny Doc: I would like that, Mr. Ban; she must be something else for you to care so much about her.
Bansidhe: Oh, aye. She's like no one else o' this world.
Bansidhe chuckles. Tiny Doc tilts his head slightly then shrugs. Medika looks away into the distance.
Bansidhe: Ach. Sable, e'en I thought ye'd find that funny.
Medika: <softly> Your Spirit is unique.

Bansidhe: Now, Tiny...
Tiny Doc looks up at Ban.
Tiny Doc: Yes, Mr. Ban?
Bansidhe: What all have ye told Sable about the information network?
Medika: He told me that the Illuminati hasn't as good a one, and that other nations pay top dollar...
Bansidhe laughs.
Tiny Doc: That the Alumnity has nothing on it, ... that ..... yeah what she said.
Medika: He also said that rumour hath it that you still control it.
Bansidhe: Good. Then he's takin' good care of it.
Bansidhe laughs again.
Bansidhe: Nae. I dinnae still control it. Although... Someone close t' us does.
Medika: Should I know?
Bansidhe: Up t' ye, lass.
Tiny Doc shuffles his feet slightly looking over the edge of the building.
Medika: You might as well tell me. All of tonight is confidential. I promised Tiny Doc as much.
Bansidhe: Tell her, Tiny.
Tiny Doc: Mr. Jones runs the network, Ms Med.
Bansidhe laughs.
Bansidhe: That th' name he gave ye, Tiny?
Medika , eyebrows raised, looks at Ban. Tiny Doc looks at Ban with a nod.
Tiny Doc: That's not his name Mr. Ban?
Medika: I know no Jones.
Bansidhe bursts into laughter so hard tears begin to roll.
Bansidhe: Ach! Such an uncreative name! I'll be speakin' with him about that one.
Tiny Doc pokes the rivets on his armor getting uncomfortable cause he was told something false and didn't know it. Medika again reaches out her hand and places it on Tiny's arm. Tiny Doc jumps slightly, looking at Med.
Medika: It makes no matter, Tiny. Clearly your former associates deal in secrecy and subterfuge.

Eric's voice comes with a rush of wind that blows their hair: Unoriginal! Hmmmph!
Bansidhe bursts into laughter again. Tiny Doc looks up quickly. Medika smiles wryly.
Medika: You are always everywhere, Eric. Even when you don't want to be.
Bansidhe: An' now ye know, Sable. Damn speedsters.
Medika: And should have guessed. No wonder Carolly has so little time to help me with my office paper work. <smile>:
Bansidhe: Aye, Sable. When I turned t' the side o' angels, I was approached by Eric...the Blur Eric. He assured me that t'would be well taken care of and used for good.
Medika: <frowns slightly> I see. That explains a great deal.
Bansidhe: Now d'ye see why I trust him so, when th' rest o' ye often question his motives?
Medika: I had wondered how you -- you -- came to trust him so highly above my and Angel's word.
Bansidhe: Aye. I've known him for a few years.
Medika: As have I -- now. And yet still I don't know him.
Bansidhe: Ach! Ye wanna know his biggest weakness? Other than marbles, o' course.
Bansidhe chuckles. Tiny Doc looks up and laughs at the mental image he got.
Medika: Carolly?
Bansidhe: Well, other than her.
Medika looks around.
Bansidhe: Big piece o' info for ye, Tiny.
Medika: Eric, are you really letting him tell your secrets?
Tiny Doc looks at Ban eagerly. The wind flares up again.
Blur: I can't stop the damn Scot anymore than I can stop the wind.
Bansidhe: Would ye stop doin' that, ye damn blur!
Medika: He's not damned -- and you make the wind, you know. <hastily> Not you, Ban. I was talking to Eric.
Bansidhe chuckles. Tiny Doc gets antsy waiting to hear.
Bansidhe: He's one o' my biggest guardian angels, Sable. Supposedly, he always has been.
Medika: Then we have another reason to be grateful to Blur.
Bansidhe: Tiny, t' answer Sable's question... Blur's...ah, Eric's biggest weakness is his connection and deep affinity for th' human race. Otherwise, he'd probably find himself labeled as a god.
Tiny Doc shoulders slump slightly expecting something like a weapon of some sorts.
Medika: <eyes light up> I can understand that feeling.
Bansidhe: Oh, an' Sable?
Medika: <softly> What's wrong, Tiny? Have you no people who are important to you?
Tiny Doc looks at Med.
Tiny Doc: Other then Chill, no, Ms Med.
Medika: 'Tis the biggest reason I find for caring for all sorts of people -- to make up for not having much -- family.
Tiny Doc nods understanding.
Medika turns to Ban.
Medika: Yes?
Bansidhe: Th' next time th' bloody bastard slows down and stands in one place for a moment... Ask him how many times he's caught a bullet from reachin' me...just since I been in Paragon.
Medika: So -- Ban, you're saying that Tiny was wrong? There _are_ assassins willing to take up the contract on you?
Bansidhe: Apparently so, Sable. Which is, I would guess, why so many turn down the job.
Medika frowns.

Tiny Doc: Oh, Mr. Ban... Mal mentioned earlier to Joe that he would call you, and that he wanted to ask you something.
Bansidhe: Mal?
Tiny Doc nods.
Bansidhe: That the new kid?
Tiny Doc: Malichi, Mr. Ban. Yeah Mr. Ban, he's the new kid, and from what I've heard he went from sec. level 1 to 26 in under two weeks.
Bansidhe: Impressive.
Medika: My examination showed Malichi to be hyperactive. And intelligent enough to win a Nobel -- if he can stay in place long enough.
Tiny Doc nods.
Tiny Doc: He likes to jump around..... ALOT
Bansidhe: Great.
Medika: He's in excellent physical condition, Ban, which surprised me, given his history. I -- think I'll keep the complete mental evaluation private for awhile longer, though. Incomplete data.
Tiny Doc: He told me it's cause of how heavy his original suit is why he's strong.
Bansidhe chuckles.
Bansidhe: I'm just not lookin forward t' dealin' with a kid who has problems payin’ attention.
Medika: Ban, I do not think that that is his problem. My preliminary evaluation indicates that Malichi has had too little attention paid to him; he is most attentive when one attends to him.
Bansidhe: Hmmm...
Tiny Doc: He didn't have any problems paying attention when we were talking to each other
Bansidhe: That's good.
Tiny Doc: But he still liked to jump around if the conversation stopped for to long.
Medika: And he's helping get Jenny back into shape after her illness. I caught her sneaking out of the apartment yesterday to go play with him.
Tiny Doc: Jenny?.... I heard Mal call Miss Hail Jen earlier; is that Jenny?
Bansidhe: So the lass is feelin' better?
Medika: Some, yes, Ban.
Medika turned to Tiny Doc.
Medika: Um. Yes. The only name she recalls is Jenny -- Jennifer Wren. There are, however, no records of a Jennifer Wren matching her description in the Paragon City record hall.
Tiny Doc: So she's either not from Paragon or that's not her name.
Bansidhe: No records? Oh, if we truly wish t' know who she is, I'm sure we could find out.
Tiny Doc: I'd gladly find out if you wanted me to Mr. Ban, Ms Med...
Bansidhe chuckles.
Bansidhe: Tiny, ye have almost full access. Almost bein' th' operative word.
Medika: Her memories are a jumble. I've put her through test after test and believe that the Crey mental reprogramming process -- you remember finding the data on that, Ban? Their patent was based on “The Doctor’s” work -- may well have been used on her. Perhaps more than once.
Bansidhe: Aye. I've seen that data.
Tiny Doc: I know Mr. Ban, just trying to give myself something to do later while everyone is resting....
Medika: Do you not rest, Tiny?
Tiny Doc: I do Ms Med... Just stay up a bit longer then most I guess.

Bansidhe: Stick yuir nose in a book, Tiny. I've got a library ye could have access to. Or have ye given up reading as much as th' old days?
Tiny Doc: No, of course not, Mr. Ban ;I love to read, you know that... Just like to be useful too.
Bansidhe: Swing by my apartment, lad. If Spirit's in, I'll introduce you. If not, ye can grab a few books.
Tiny Doc grins under the helmet again.
Tiny Doc: I'll do that, Mr. Ban.
Bansidhe: Sable, ye're lookin a wee bit tired, lass. Why d'ye nae go home and get some rest?
Tiny Doc: Yes, Ms Med, you should rest... you need rest as much as anyone else does that you tell it to.
Medika: <smiles wryly> People are always telling me I look tired. I must be an awful hag.
Bansidhe laughs. Tiny Doc shakes his head fervently.
Medika: RX: One bed, to be taken as needed.
Tiny Doc: No way, Ms Med.
Bansidhe: If'n that were th' case, Sable, d'ye think Tiny'd have such a crush on ye?
Tiny Doc shuffles his feet again looking down.
Medika: <sternly to Ban> Do not be cruel, Bansidhe. Tiny's been very sweet, but he scarcely can know me...
Bansidhe: Ach! <staring at Tiny> Wha' th' bloody hell? Tiny!
Tiny Doc: Yes, Mr. Ban?
Bansidhe: When did ye get o'er yuir fear o' heights, lad?
Tiny Doc: <says proudly> Ms Med helped me get over it, Mr. Ban!
Bansidhe: Good.
Medika: It was Tiny's doing, his decision. I'm just along for the ride.
Bansidhe smiles at Medika, then turns back to Tiny.
Bansidhe: Wanna race?
The two men flew off. Medika grinned and shouted after them.
Medika: I'm going to try for the blimp!
Tiny Doc: Sorry, Mr. Ban!!

Medika tports to the blimp, slides off and lands on the monorail where Bansidhe meets her.
Medika: Ouch!
She turned eagerly to the airman.
Medika: I landed on it for a moment! I felt the bump! <ruefully> And then the tram hit me!
Bansidhe laughs.
Medika: <smiling> This girl's a klutz.
Bansidhe: Ach!
Medika: <wickedly> With that...
Bansidhe: Dinnae start tha' again, Sable! I dinnae need t' here Angel bitchin' about another Blur adventure!
Medika holds out her hand to Ban. Bansidhe takes Medika's hand and kisses it.
Medika: Goodnight, Bansidhe.
Bansidhe: G'night, lass.
Tiny Doc flew down to the pair.
Bansidhe: Pop yuir helmet off, lad!
Bansidhe grins.
Medika: And, Tiny, I do look forward to getting to know you.
Bansidhe: She wants t' give ye a kiss on th' cheek.
Tiny Doc: Good night Ms Med,... yeah, me too.
Medika: Ban!
Bansidhe bursts into laughter. Tiny Doc looks at Ban a little hopefully, then slumps his shoulders at hearing Meds outcry.
Medika: I've never seen the man's face.
Bansidhe: Ach! He's ugly as sin!
Tiny Doc: You wouldn't want to, Ms Med.
Impulsively, Medika gives Tiny a quick hug. Tiny Doc stiffens slightly.
Medika: Don't let Ban upset you. You're fine the way you are.
Bansidhe nudges Tiny. Tiny Doc hugs her back slightly.
Medika: <with dignity> Goodnight, gentlemen.
Bansidhe: G'night, lass.
Tiny Doc: Night, Ms Med.
The young physician teleported away.
07-25-2005 04:44:41 Entering Bronze Way.

07-25-2005 04:48:25
As he watched the young heroes out of sight, Bansidhe’s cell phone rang.

Bansidhe: **Ban speaking.**
Malichi Samson: **Hi Ban,.... Malichi here. Sorry to interrupt you, but I was told you're almost always available.**
Bansidhe: **Ah. Malichi… Somewhat, lad. What would ye be needin’?**
Malichi Samson: **Can we meet somewhere and talk?**
Bansidhe: **Well, this would, unfortunately, be one o' those times I'm nae completely available. I'm on a bit o' a stake-out.**
Malichi Samson: **I see,... then perhaps some other time..?**
Bansidhe: **How about later this evenin'?**
Malichi Samson: **Well, I'm sure since my phone is Champions issue, you have my number and can call me when you are available.**
Bansidhe: **An' ye be havin' mine, as well.**
Malichi Samson: **Ok, I'll wait to hear from you, ‘cause I know it's a pain for people to always be calling you...**
Bansidhe: **Believe it or nae, lad, my phone rarely rings.**
07-25-2005 04:53:26

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