[Notes for the run of October 7, 1999.] [Starting with some bits done by email between runs...] Paris has various questions for Leo... Are former Major Arcana immortal? (Genelle/High Priestess indicated that she would eventually die and be replaced by some other transformed human. Are the constellations different? Are some of the other Major Arcana different?) Leo's a bit confused, never having met Genelle. And he doesn't recognize the High Priestess by name. Eventually, he connects her with the woman he knows as Mystery of Faith, or Faith for short. (No, she's not a small bird.) He's also trying to puzzle out the question. In Tarot, each in their part of Tarot, will last, well, you'd have to ask Chronico if it were forever. To be elsewhere than their part of Tarot would require acceptance by a kindred human. How long has Leo been here with these mounds? Just this one day. But it's been a long day. (Something begins to tickle at the back of our minds.) Were/are all Major Arcana humans who have been transformed into the Major Arcana (like Genelle was) or are there some who have always been what they are? He has not seen most of the Major Arcana. He thinks he was once a human, but could be mistaken. He might have once been a lion. "And a very fine lion he would have been," Hobbes tells Rhori. If the Four Elements were distributed amongst the Minor Arcana, what became of their incarnations? He supposes the cards were redrawn without them. Are all Major Arcana human-like? (Or are some monstrous? The cards of the Devil and Death both _look_ monstrous -- and some of the cards don't have humanoid depictions at all.) Again he's puzzled. "The crab's right over there," he says pointing in the direction opposite to the virgin. "He doesn't look like a person or a monster." How many Major Arcana were there when Leo was one? How many Minor Arcana? There were 37 Majors. In the Minors, the number of cards were the same as now, four suits of 14 cards, but the pages were all female. What events led up to those who have choice choosing to unseat the Constellations from the Major Arcana? "Well, in my day Minor Arcana had to pass some serious tests. I'd make them demonstrate great strength and courage, you know, face ravening beasts and move a big rock, that kind of thing. Taurus, now he was always satisfied with a couple of simple mazes, maybe fight a minotaur or two. The others had their own tests." We're not sure how this answers the question that was asked. But at about this point we realise that what's been itching at us is that the sun hasn't moved since we've been talking to Leo. Recalling that time might be flowing faster in the "real world", Paris insists we need to move on, and we bid Leo a hasty but polite farewell. (Among the questions Paris had hoped to ask, and in some cases now wishes she'd asked first instead of starting with the "easy" questions: If the Minor Arcana of Leo’s day did not embody the Elements, what did they embody? Where/how/from whom do the Minor Arcana learn Understanding? Would this be different now than in Leo’s day? Had Minor Arcana gained Understanding and used the Keys -- or made a Choice -- more than once in Leo's time? What is the difference between Dark and Fell? Were there gods and churches in Leo’s day? If so, what were their symbols and philosophies? Would we have been able to converse with Tarus’ bull-men (minotaurs) or would we have had to fight them had we fallen amongst them? It is not always clear when we meet non-human creatures -- the like of which we have never seen before -- when we should strike first and when we should try to befriend them. A mistake could be fatal or tragic. Is there a way to tell what is a monster and what is a potential friend? And Calais had hoped to learn more about the old-Tarot constellations (i.e., the Zodiac), such as their symbols, domains, and characteristics. Ah well.) When we get back to where Anton says it's not "Tarot/Torat", Attila says he thinks it's still the same day, so perhaps there was not such a need for haste. But we proceed north. For six days we go on; the star is visible each night, possibly getting closer, but it's hard to tell. The fog rolls in each night, and the droplets of water condensing out of it seem bigger each morning. Finally we decide that they're big enough to be considered rain. It still clears up enough by late afternoon to let us sight the star. The terrain is gradually getting hillier. On the fifth day we camp near a telluric current, and Claire tries to contact Pierre. The connection is more tenuous, though, and she has trouble making out. Uh, making out anything he says, that is. After another three days, Hobbes comes back from his usual evening hunt rather apologetically, with a lone rabbit. We still have some leftovers from the deer and such that he's normally brought in, so we're not immediately concerned, but we start to pay more attention to collecting nuts and berries and such as we travel. Attila says the boggy terrain looks a bit like a sort of terrain he's familiar with, and has some suggestions for how to travel in it, except we don't have ten horses each so we can't use their blood for food. Yum. Another five days, and Hobbes sends back word that there's a bunch of trees, and he's going to wait for Rhori to come and figure it out. We approach a row of trees, lined up trunk to trunk. Hobbes says they extend to either side for as far as he has checked. The tops of the trees are lost in clouds, which are lower than usual for this time of day. Anton's magic sight reveals nothing noteworthy. Claire knocks, but nothing happens. We suggest that Brillig try knocking with his staff. He goes to do so, but before he can strike some roots grow up out of the ground and surround him. Paris tries to pull the roots away, but they keep growing back. Rhori tries commanding the plants to draw back, but casts the wrong spell. Hobbes replies that he's not hanging onto Brillig. Rhori gets confused (I know I know, how can we tell? :-), thinking he was talking to the plants but Hobbes is replying, so maybe the trees _are_ Hobbes? Eventually he figures it out and tries the right spell, which works. Two eyes open up on the tree, and the tree speaks in our tongue. It is surprised to discover we can speak as well. We explain that Brillig was not going to attack, and the tree releases him. It introduces itself as John Birch, and some of the other trees as John Larch, John Bigroote (Big-roo-TAY), John Smallberries, etc. They guard the End of the World. We say we're trying to find the Hermit, and it asks if he's one of those who went Outside. It says we can go Outside as long as we have One Who Speaks; apparently Rhori qualifies. Claire asks politely if we can go through, and the trees somehow shift to form an opening about two hexes wide. On the other side, there are no trees or bushes, and the ground slopes steeply upward. Magic sight shows there is some sort of dividing line at the trees. Rhori goes through to have a look, and seems fine. We follow, and head up the slope. Soon we're in the clouds. The only plant life is some scrubby grass. Provisions are starting to look more problematic. We spend the night in the clouds. The next day we come out of the clouds and find a barren hill, with a man standing holding a staff and a lamp, looking out over the clouds. Rhori notices a few dog tracks heading back down the hill. Paris addresses the man, asking if he is the Hermit and if we may ask him some questions. He turns and acknowledges that he is, and we may. He says he knows all that is. He can only answer questions about what is, not what will be. [Was there a question before the one about the Emperor?] Rhori asks if the Emperor is alive. No, the Emperor is dead. When the Emperor's form in Torat died, his regalia also died. They have passed into the fabric of the world, as the Emperor has. They can be brought back by any similar unrealised item in the presence of the Emperor. "Unrealised" means that it has the potential but has not turned into something yet. There are many things that have sufficient power, if you handle them without touching them, so they remain unrealised. Anton asks for an example. "For the Orb, an Egg of the Spider Queen." And for the Sceptre? "A Stake from the Heart of the Vampire King." Many other things would also serve. Rhori asks if his father made it to Heaven; the Hermit doesn't know. The entity controlling that function (Death?) has not yet realised. Where is Justice? "Justice is not yet in the world, but there is a place for him prepared in Paris." At that, Paris no longer sees the Hermit, and she says it's time to go. The rest of us still see him, however. Rhori asks if there's a fast way for us to get back south, and he's told there are several, and the Hermit disappears for him as well. We conclude that each of us gets to ask three questions, and Paris's initial questions upon greeting the Hermit counted toward her quota. [Rhori must've asked one earlier, but if so I missed it.] We ask Paris what other questions she wanted to ask. Mia asks, for Paris, who will be the next Emperor. She's told that any crowned king can become Emperor in the presence of the Sceptre and the Orb. Marian asks where are the Keys of Nature and of Man. Only four parts of each Key are in the world right now. Marian can't see him. Attila, when prompted, asks what's the best and quickest way back to Westmore? There are many fast ways. There are spells that would do it. He who teaches spells could teach you. The best way for _us_ involves our future, since we have choice. The one who can see the future is not yet here. Brillig asks the difference between Dark and Fell. "The Fell are those that oppose humanity and the order of justice. The Dark are those that are twisted of nature, and oppose the order of nature." As a freebie, the Hermit remarks that neither of their Lords is present yet. Calais asks, How does my sister Paris look for truth? "I have come here where there is nothing, to find truth. If I can find a place where there is nothing, only truth will remain. Her truth is a much simpler truth; first she must know who is opposed to her, who is evil. Do you wish her to know this?" Calais thinks a moment, then says Yes. The Hermit bonks Paris her with his lantern, there's a bright flash, and she is momentarily blinded. But she doesn't mention noticing any permanent change. We have Attila ask where are the parts of the keys. The Hermit rattles off various directions in terms Attila understands: 65 days of riding following such-and-such a star from the place you were born, and so on. One of the locations is only 8 or 10 days ride from a starting point near Dungeon, but Attila has never been that far south; it sounds like it's someplace near Lions. The Hermit gives a total of 7 descriptions. "For the 8th part you do not need to travel; you are where you are." Anton asks what are the parts of the keys? "Understanding is Key. You must understand." Rhori wonders if this means all the parts are books. Do the Fell and Dark seek Keys? "No, they do not have choice." We infer that the forces attacking Dungeon are not seeking a key of their own, and they're not seeking a part of a good key because none of those are in Dungeon. So far we -- those of us who still see the Hermit, anyway -- have resisted asking what they seek in Dungeon, thinking the answer might not be of any use. Brillig asks where is The Mirror? The shards of the Mirror are scattered about the land of Tarot/Torat. It was shattered; it is partly assembled. When it is fully assembled, then it can be shattered. It should be about this big (the Hermit indicates a few feet), but in pieces it is much bigger. For Mia, Calais asks which of the Tarot are gods, but again we are stymied by the Hermit's limitation of only answering about what already is. Only one is here now: the God of Lovers, the indigo one. ("I knew that already, mutters Mia in frustration, as Calais relays the answer.) There is one about to enter; the way is now clear for him to enter, but he is not yet here. The way for him is completely clear, and is in the Wheel. After more argument as to whether the answer will do anyone any good, we give in and have "Brillig ask what the Fell forces are looking for in the Dungeon of Dungeon. It is the place itself that is important to them. If the Fell succeed in liberating it, the Dark will ally with the one controlling the Fell." Finally, we have Attila ask, what is it you would like us to know? Attila looks a little puzzled by the answer. He shrugs and asks us, what's a minor arcana? We ask what the Hermit told him. "It's the minor arcana who have choice, truth is important to look for, and you [Attila] are not one of the minor arcana." We give Attila a short explanation about the arcana. Hobbes asks Rhori's permission to go over to the Hermit, who is apparently motioning toward him. He comes back and says he got told a few things. He comes back and says the Hermit called Hobbes "Faithful One" and gave him some instructions for where to travel. We return to the fence, which opens for us when Rhori casts his spell. Hobbes follows the instructions he was given, and takes us to a stream with some fish. Hobbes then runs on alone, again per instructions. As we make camp, we hear a yowling in the distance. We suspect Hobbes asked where to find a female lion. There's a telluric current headed due south from here, but reception is even worse than before. Hobbes says the telluric current leads to the Wheel. We head south several days. The Fool and his dog seem to be ahead of us. After a week, the fog is once again merely fog instead of rain in the morning. As we go, Claire finds more telluric currents merge in, forming an ever larger current. Claire contacts Pierre each day, and he seems concerned for her, but she can't figure out more than that through the static. Up ahead we see a ferocious storm, still some days away, but it doesn't seem to be going away. As we get closer, Anton eventually notices that quite a ways up there is a magical current in the air. It seems to be converging on the same area as the telluric current. As we continue, he too sees other currents converging. Three more days (so a total of about 3 1/2 weeks since leaving the city of Calais, 6 1/2 weeks since Dungeon), and we spot a man running toward us from one side. It's the Fool. There are ten blue-skinned humans with spears running after him. Rhori sends Hobbes to get behind them and scare them. Hobbes reports there's more of them, and in a moment we see many more cresting the hill behind the first batch. We double up on our horses and ride toward the center of the storm. After we get a bit of distance, we pause to let Mia cast her Luck spell on the party. We come to a huge blue sphinx with a big sword. It's smiling, and does not attack, though it is clearly prepared to do so. We ask if we may pass, and it asks why we want to pass. Anton says Understand is Key. Claire says we need to get to the Wheel. It asks why it should let her reach it. She asks why it shouldn't. It seems willing to consider that question, but before it can do so other people interrupt with more questions. Rhori asks if it guards the wheel; it says yes. Claire asks why; Mia asks from whom? We find that if we say we wish to pass, that is sufficient reason for it to let us pass. It stops each of us in turn and asks if we wish to pass. But when Attila says yes, it still won't let him by. (Recall that he's not a minor arcana, and only the minor arcana have choice? I'm not sure what this says more generally about the common folk.) Mia says she wishes him to pass, and the sphinx stares at her and asks if she serves Murphy. She says yes, and the sphinx lets Attila pass. We come to an orange, dog-headed man, who says he is Typhus. Claire says, pleased to meet you, I'm Claire. No you're not. (Claire is nonplussed. I'm not?) You are not simply Claire. It asks her who she is, and she says she's been told she's the page of pentacles. It asks if she knows what that means, and she says she's one of the minor arcana. It continues to grill her: Do you understand why you go that way? Do you understand what is there? Claire notices her magnet is spinning madly. Paris asks something, but Typhus says he asks the questions here. Rhori asks if Typhus has any questions for him. Typhus says that depends, does Rhori want to pass? Yes. Does he understand what lies ahead? No. Then you may not pass. After some discussion about the Wheel of Fortune card, we say what lies ahead is a giant yellow snake. Typhus says, "Well yes, but..." Rhori says fine and starts to ride forward, but a lightning bolt strikes very close and he stops. Mia says Murphy lies ahead. Do you serve Murphy? Yes. Then flip a coin. She flips a coin, and so does Typhus. They match (possibly aided by the Luck spell that's still running), so he lets her pass. Calais says the Wheel of Fortune lies ahead. And what use is that? It can give us a bit of luck in the rest of our quest. A bit of luck? Yes. You can go. Calais rides ahead. Rhori says he seeks Murphy, but he doesn't serve Murphy, so that's not good enough. Anton says he needs to go on because it's part of his story. Typhus asks am I in your story? Anton says, "You are now." Typhus lets him pass. Rhori eventually manages to confuse Typhus enough that Typhus lets him through. "You may pass, oh simple man of nature." Rhori asks about Hobbes, and Typhus says Rhori's companion and horse may go with him. Claire also seeks luck, and gets the coin-flip treatment, and succeeds. We hand-wave Attila and the cardboard Brillig, leaving just Paris. (None of the guardians seems interested in the Fool.) Paris says she goes in search of a change in fortune for her land. Very good, but why do you expect to find that here? Because a wheel always changes. He motions her past, but has another question. Are you one of those who worships change? I do not think I worship change. Do not think? do not know? I seek some changes, I oppose others. He stops her. I am interested in order. I seek the changes that move in the direction of order. He lets her pass. Moving on, we see all the magical currents converging on one spot, with lightning strikes to boot. Surrounding it is a yellow body. Up pops a snake head. It hisses hello. Claire asks if it will let us pass. It flicks its tongue over her, and asks Why? Because we choose to. That got you past the first one. Mia says because Murphy is in the center. You, you serve Murphy. And you? (turning back to Claire). I'm following the currents. Rhori says he's following Paris, so it asks Paris. She wants to get through to continue out the other side. Mostly what we seek is Understanding. But you need Understanding to open the Way. What do you understand about this? Paris says that, for good or evil, things will change after this. If we don't succeed, we fail to find justice. Calais says he understands that he needs to risk whatever dangers are inside in order to stop the forces of evil that are on the rise. The snake shakes its head. You don't understand, none of you. But at that point we hear a gruff voice from beyond the snake, "Oh let them through." The snake opens a path and we see a dwarfen man who motions us in to join him in a circle of stone pillars. Behind us we hear many blue voices getting past the second guardian. (Calais wonders idly what answers they gave to get by the guardians, or whether they were able to fight their way past.) We greet the dwarf, who is, of course, Murphy. Rhori asks if he'll help Paris get lucky. The rest of us crack up. Murphy takes a moment to slap on a stone pillar three times. He explains that someone was drawing to an inside straight and it was about time. He asks Paris if she's here to get lucky. She says yes, and he tells her to look around. She notices that though the ground all around is barren, there is one small plant growing at her feet. He hands each of us except Paris a small bag. We find various numbers of silver cards in them: Anton 6, Calais 3, Claire 1, Mia 2, Rhori 5, Attila 6, Brillig 4. Paris pulls up the plant; it is, of course, a four-leaf clover with an unusually long root; oddly, it has 14 knots in its root. Murphy slaps on another stone and says that a woman was giving birth, and it was stillborn. Rhori asks if he could give bad luck to Dark and Fell folks, and he says he could but doesn't feel like it. Rhori asks if he can do anything for Murphy, and Murphy asks him to keep him in mind when he has choice. Rhori says that's hard, but we say we'll try to remind him. Calais asks if we could be lucky enough to find a faster way to the city of Paris, bypassing the dwarven bears. Murphy remarks that it looks like we could use a bit of luck, as the snake vanishes and the blue horde descends on us. Murphy also fades. We check our combined luck from Mia's spell, and come up with three sixes. Lightning is striking all around, there's an earthquake, and a volcano erupts in the middle of the circle. Out of the volcano comes a plug of rock, which splits open on one face, and there's Pierre! He puts up a bigger version of Claire's wall to slow down the blue guys, and motions us into the rock. The entrance alone is about 4" by 2", so it's plenty roomy. Indeed, it's bigger inside than outside. We ride in. The door closes with one blue guy just managing to leap in; we easily dispatch him. Lo and behold, it's the oft-mentioned lava-track vehicle. Pierre explains he can travel to three junctions per day. He has one stop left today. He proceeds to explain the workings to Claire, and for that matter to Rhori, but only Claire follows much of it. Anton asks Pierre if he knew about the currents in the air. Pierre asks why they matter. We stop, rather abruptly (some of us hanging onto the horses), and Pierre opens the door to reveal that we're in a cavern. He's been here earlier and marked it with a number at the wall (3). He stays behind to recharge the spell, while we explore. After a while, we come to some man-made stairs leading up. It's very late in the day when we come out. The ground is mostly dirt and rock; no trees, no bushes. We've come out the side of a hill. To the west, a couple miles away, are big, dark buildings. There's smoke coming from them, as if from huge forges. To the north, a bit closer but still more than a mile, is a bedraggled gray stone wall around a central keep. Some of us think it looks like Westmore did before the change, but broken down. Anton wonders if maybe the city that was called Paris switched places with Westmore, and that we might therefore be in the place where Paris was shown on the map. Anton goes invisible, turns on magic sight, and flies up to look around. There are a few buildings beyond and to either side of old Westmore. It's as though Westmore is in the middle of a large square barren area, which might be about as large as the new Westmore. Rhori and Hobbes decide to scout a bit; it's too dark for a full scouting expedition. They find no tracks. They come across some smashed furniture. Hobbes smells something Fell. They come back. Paris states her intention to stay up all night and then go look at old Westmore at dawn. After some arguing, we convince Paris to get some sleep. She still wants to "sneak" across the mile of open ground to Westmore, and we argue that that's absurd and she should let Hobbes go look around first. Hobbes reports finding more broken furniture, and broken down rocks. He finds one place where the smell of Fell is fairly fresh, probably from last night. He follows the scent around in a circle. Then he spots a place where two split off and entered a place where there used to be a door. Paris and Rhori head north to have a look. They stick out like sore thumbs on the open plain if there's anything watching. Calais sighs and tags along to keep an eye on Paris; he conceals himself a bit better than they do, for all the good that'll do. Mia also joins them. About the time the group disappears into old Westmore, Claire and Anton back at the hill spot a large group with a banner, coming out from the dark buildings. They rush down to see if Pierre can take the lava-track vehicle to old Westmore to retrieve the others, but it only stops at junctions. Claire suggests using a mirror to try to get the party's attention, but Pierre has a better idea. He'll build a tunnel that comes up some distance away (so it won't give away where the cavern entrance is), and Anton can run invisibly over to get our attention and lead us to where the tunnel will be. Meanwhile, Rhori has Hobbes check ahead to find the orc guards. He finds them up at the top of a building, with a rope leading up. He knocks one of them off the wall to a four-story drop, and then licks the other in the face. We hear a loud howling, and Rhori tells Hobbes to make him quiet. The howling stops, and Hobbes apologises that it'll be a bit slick if we want to climb up the watch tower. Rhori tells Hobbes to keep a lookout. We start to explore. Some of the smashed furniture looks out of place. We conjecture that it may have fallen from a second story room when the room transported to new Westmore. Calais asks Mia if there's anything here that suggests the Justice card. Nope. She wonders if maybe we need to look in new Westmore, ie., the buildings of Paris. Hobbes, still up in the tower, asks if he needs to report things that aren't coming in the gate yet. Rhori says yes, and Hobbes reports there's something not coming in the gate yet. He says it's a whole bunch of Fell guys. Rhori warns the others. After a while Hobbes adds that some of them are riding wolves. We run out, and meet up with Anton, who turns visible and waves us toward the Pierre's tunnel. We run for it, and Claire at the opening guides us in. We jump in with only a modicum of after-you's. Pierre collapses the tunnel, and we head back to the vehicle. We notice that Pierre's tunnel is much bigger than Claire's; it's about as wide as the larger of the tunnels from Calais to England. Now what? We can go to new Westmore, which seems like it might be the old Paris, but Paris says that wasn't supposed to go back until she found Justice. But what if the place to find Justice _is_ new Westmore? Having no better choice, we head back to new Westmore. Pierre leads us up a tunnel to his, um, digs. One thing there that catches our attention is a twelve foot tall statue of a figure with a beetle head and pincher claws for hands. Pierre doesn't comment on it, but Claire seems to know something about it; she tells us it's a bad guy. He opens up a tunnel and we find ourselves just outside the south wall. Paris is still muttering, but Claire suggests looking for a place that's at least 14 stories tall. The only place that qualifies is the main tower.