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Karnak Campaign - Desert Lands

961123          Fiamma Flambe

City of the Renegade Prince.
The Party stops for refreshment and to gain some understanding of the City of the Renegade Prince. It is named for the prince who ended his days in the saline lake. It shows evidence of having once been greater than it is, having declined and, currently, being rebuilt with its own rubble. This is not an unknown pattern where trade routes have shifted. Indeed, there once was a sister city on the river mouth that controlled the trade route to the south. One night about 80-100 years ago, the city was flattened by no one knows what; those who resisted were killed. The southern route is just now being tentatively re-established.

Following directions, the Party reaches the house of Mad Akman, the hermit. It is small and run-down, but the door is answered by a servant, Kazim. Informed of our quest, he persuades his master to see us (although all we heard was Kazim's footsteps; no voices) - with the requirement that we speak no sound in the hermit's presence. All communication must be done in writing. Shadya is appointed group scribe

"Can the Spirit of the Fire Pit help us?" "Perhaps, but not directly. The spirit is a source of ancient wisdom, with little material power. The knowledge is worthwhile."

"Is there danger in facing the spirit?" "Yes, but not, I think, for you."

"Is purity of heart a requirement?" "Certainty of purpose rather than purity of heart. There are two things to face: the spirit and the pit. The spirit is willing to assist those of a certain range of purpose. The Pit is different. It has a different set of criteria. Remember, if you go into the Ring of Fire, have one purpose, and leave before that changes. The pit does not allow those who are curious or seek power."

Shadya thanks the hermit and receives his blessing on their quest. The Party leaves and Shadya relates what has passed. Suddenly Kazim runs up. "My master has written another note for you." Shadya reads, "It is easier to have one purpose when only one person approaches the pit at a time."

The Northern Desert.
The Party heads northward to reach the Fire Pit. Night watches are set: first, Nasir and Orlando on a short watch; then Shadya; finally Fiamma on dawn watch. Shadya is awakened by Orlando bopping her nose with a twig. Nasir is asleep - which Shadya half expected, knowing him to be just a child. Orlando admits that that is why he did not try to keep Nasir awake. Orlando also admits that, in an emergency, he would have used his (thorn-sized) dagger to awaken Shadya.

Shadya's watch is quiet but Fiamma's ..... Fiamma sees little dust whirls dancing at the corner of her vision. At times they seem to have human form. Fiamma wakes Shadya; and, suddenly, there is nothing to be seen. As soon as Shadya is again asleep, Fiamma hears tiny laughter like bells on the wind. She definitely sees little people. She spreads a few dates beyond the circle of camp and commences playing a dance tune. The small figures gather around the dates and party. Fiamma works her way 'round to Orlando's tent, poking her toe in to wake him. He is decidedly grumpy, but, when persuaded to look, identifies the visitors. "So the fey have found you. I didn't know there were any in the desert. Why did you wake me for that?" "Thought we'd find a girlfriend for you there." "Not unless she's got long dark hair and no wings. No, none there for me. You got me out in the cold for that?" "Well, what else is a girlfriend for?" "What would you know about that, young lady?" "I grew up in a tavern!" "Perhaps I use the term loosely." Orlando grumbles himself back to bed after giving Fiamma instructions in treating the fey correctly. "Always be polite. They like music and sweets." As he curls up again, he briefly considers what would happen if he'd given into the impulse to teach Fiamma a lesson by telling her to be rude to the fairies. :-) The fey vanish with the dawn and Fiamma finds in the place of her dates, a small corked bottle.

She and Orlando end up trying to explain the fey to Shadya and Nasir. They eventually have to explain elves and Shadya decides that the fey are a superset of Fiamma's tribe and have left her an acknowledgment gift. Orlando and Fiamma decide to leave the explanation at that.

The next afternoon the Party reaches the Fire Pit, blazing impressively in the heat of the desert. The horses are tethered and blinded at a safe distance and the Party makes camp. Orlando, Fiamma, and Nasir have all expressed themselves unready to face the task before them. Shadya displays no uncertainty ... but also, explicitly, no sense of haste either. Orlando claims first trial ... and Shadya encourages all to meditate and make ready.

Watches are as before and as before, Orlando wakes Shadya. Orlando confesses a need to take a walk and Shadya warns him of the creatures prowling beyond the light of the Fire Pit that blazes even more splendidly in the darkness. Orlando decides to unburden himself a little. "I was on another quest which brought me to my present state. It still seems my quest. I could ask about it first but, in the back of my mind, I think I would still be thinking that I should be asking about our mutual quest...." Shadya answers, "Then would you allow me to go first? I could ask our question. Since the caravan master released me from my duties there, I have had nothing but Our Quest in my life. I, certainly, have no other purpose." Orlando returns, "If you go first, I must go second." "I would not hold you back." "And Fiamma...? She first volunteered for our quest. How if she should want to go first." "I would hold no one back from their destiny." Orlando sighs, "I, too, have learned not to try, much though I would want to save some from their destinies. They can be ugly things." Shadya replies, "It is as Ashar wills."

And, indeed, in the morning Fiamma announces, "I will go!" Shadya just looks at her, but Orlando responds with feeling, "Good luck to you!" Thus Fiamma endures the fire until it is passed endurance - and then she reaches the pit's edge. The Spirit's response is a feeling/pictures/words in the half-elf's head: "I cannot help you directly. Go to the glass city." "How?" "In the night in the ship-on-runners."

Singed, Fiamma makes it back to her comrades. Her face sizzles when she splashes it with water. Then she reports her finding. The party decides that there is enough information there that there is no need to trouble the spirit further about Our Quest. Orlando opts to question the spirit on His Quest, disappearing quickly into the firestorm. So much time passes that Nasir is forced into asking if Orlando will ever come out. But come out he does, collapsing before reaching the edge. He is scooped up and doused with water. Revived, he politely gives thanks and admits that the spirit told him that it was possible for him to accomplish his quest although he still knows not where or how. Still, he'd almost given up on the possibility, so this is, in some sense, good news to him.

Back Again. Shadya pilots a course back through the desert, heading as straight for the City of Glass as she can manage given the needed oases en-route. They pass through Shamar where Shadya determines that the Arzum is still safe; but the group decides not to offer to take her away yet as they have nowhere safe to take her to. Orlando has no idea where he will head after this quest is completed; he intends to continue wandering in search of a clue to tell him where his original quest can be completed. Shadya knows, due to her commitment to deal with Nasir's problems, she herself will return this way eventually, and so things may be left as they are for the nonce.

Thence a stop with Jafar to inquire about how to find a ship-with-runners. This gives Fiamma a chance to catch up on her studies and Nasir an opportunity to check in with the Healer's School. Shadya and Orlando play chess and wait for Jafar to emerge from his library. Eventually he does so and tells us of one such ship found damaged and abandoned, washed up on the shore of the Lake of Glass. It has been taken into one of the shore-towns and kept as a curiosity although none know how to repair it nor sail it. Jafar offers a "mend" scroll to be used via his apprentice (Fiamma) and Orlando admits to having the skills (unbefitting to someone of his rank) of a sailor. So Shadya is content. 'Tis time to set forth to find the town and the ship and to persuade the former to allow us the use of the latter. Onward.

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