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Karnak Campaign - Desert Lands

970912          Valley Vista

Leaving the Mountain of the Moon.
Orlando and Shadya continue south following the path indicated by the healer of the Sisters of the Moon. Before leaving, they decided to test the theory that the winged mount had formed a bond with the prince. It proved true, although the creature quickly decided against following the horses on foot. In the beginning Shadya went hunting to feed it, but it proved itself able to fend for itself, once returning to camp with an antelope. Shadya applied her leather working skills to repairing the creature's broken bridle. Together she and the prince analyzed how the creature's own saddle must have fit and determined, reluctantly, that they could not adapt a horse's saddle to the purpose.

Meanwhile, Fiamma had returned to the Party. They camped the night somewhere along the canyons. The next morning Fiamma proceeded to lead them as promised along the road to the southern pass. Akbar and she worked out a pattern of utilizing their magic powers to activate the scrying crystal twice a day. That morning Akbar could see a grim Shadya gazing over a mountainous portion of desert, a white cloth fluttering in her hand. That evening, although Akbar was sure the crystal had found the desert woman, he could perceive nothing but blackness. [No doubt the Sisters of the Moon have shields that prevent spying.] That evening the Party reaches a town and puts up at the caravansary. Fiamma leads the guests therein - some of whom are soldiers - to talk about the trials of the road and discovers that the bandits in these parts hit small caravans with unfortunate regularity. Nasir, unhappy still about having lost Shadya, requests permission to stay outside and watch the sky. Shortly the boy notices Gazim walking away in the company of a stranger. Judging their speed, Nasir dashes into the inn and tells Fiamma that he is going to follow their "guest"; she chooses to come too. They follow stealthily and, as Gazim and his companion near the edge of town, split up to try to get closer and overhear the conversation. The stranger spots Fiamma and says to Gazim, "Izz al Dalwah is displeased with your progress, you traitorous dog!" and stabs the Arab. The assassin takes to his heels with Fiamma in pursuit. Nasir hastens to Gazim's assistance. The young student of healing realizes fortuitously that the blade must have been poisoned and requests assistance from a passer-by. The assistant fetches Akbar. Akbar cannot cure but does manage to save the downed man's life. Gazim will need care for several days. Already in the grip of the fever, Gazim drops the name of "al Dalwah." Izz al Dalwah is the name of the vizier on whose errand the Party was sent. [Ominous Background Music.] Meanwhile, Fiamma sees the assassin mount a horse. Glancing around, she sees other horses and, untying one, takes off after the assailant -- unheeding of the cries of distress that follow her. Galloping along the road, Fiamma manages to draw her bow and takes 4 shots --- hitting her target 3 times. His horse is far superior to the one she rides and he gets away nonetheless. Fuming, the elf walks the horse back to town ... and meets a bedraggled fellow gasping, "My .. hors...." She apologizes and hands the man a gold piece. With a dazed but opportunistic expression, he offers to lend her the horse again. Back at the inn, Fiamma is apprised of Gazim's health and makes arrangements (with royal beneficence: 3 pieces of gold) for his care. Akbar leaves Gazim a note absolving him of obligation to the Party. That evening, Akbar uses the crystal to see Shadya and Orlando hunkered down on a ridge, apparently gazing down at the valley below. Fiamma checks the crystal for the assassin and smiles grimly when the crystal shows scavengers cracking bones. [Note: GM ruling: The crystal's visions are clear only to the one wielding the crystal.]

Shadya and Orlando see a valley containing an armed camp of desert warriors --- here, where no desert warriors live. There appear to be 30-40 of them, of mixed tribes (including the Veiled Ones), and they do not appear to have brought their families or camp followers with them. Shadya debates the possibility of passing amongst them with Orlando, trusting to pass as one of the camp, but decides that it is all too possible that one of the desert people would recognize - or not recognize - their 4 horses. She does not believe the ruse would work. So, waiting until dark falls, she goes alone down into the camp, hiding in shadows or moving as though she belonged until she reached the center - leader's - tent. She worked herself into a place of concealment near the back of that tent and listened. She hears the name "Izz al Dalwah" and a reference to "planting red ribbons"; also the name "Kalid ben Yusef" which seems familiar although she could not for the moment place why, and -- as the group broke up -- "We expect the group soon; ready your men." Shadya sneaks away to report to Orlando. Shadya and Orlando work their way around the edge of the valley to await a party of these suspect desert warriors to follow them. It is, after all, entirely likely that the Healer's warning about viziers trustworthiness is to be made all too clear.

Traveling along in the morning, Akbar checks the crystal and sees Shadya and Orlando hiding behind a rock pile and peering out at another group also hiding in rocky terrain and peering down. The terrain looks a great deal like that through which the Party is currently passing. Akbar warns the group. The dwarf in turn warns that sometimes it is best if one doesn't let an ambush know you suspect an ambush ... and Fiamma, claiming herself one of the strongest, chooses to ride point. Nasir notices a strange bird circling high overhead the trail somewhere farther along. Shadya and Orlando watch the 5 they trailed draw bow as a party ambles along the path below their cliff hiding places. Shadya and Orlando draw as well and Shadya looses an arrow, dropping one of the would-be assassins. Orlando injures one. The two draw again: Shadya wounds her target; Orlando drops his who falls with a great clatter to splat at the base of the cliff. Fiamma draws into the cliff and gazes upwards where she sees another man (the 5th) scrambling from behind his hiding place to cling to the cliff faces (and away from Shadya's and Orlando's murderous fire). The elf casts Light into his eyes and the man loses his grip and falls to his death practically under Fiamma's feet. Shadya and Orlando finish the job and are hailed by Akbar who has astutely deduced the identifies of the black and white turbans he has glimpsed from his vantage point at the back of the Party. Orlando returns the hail and warns Fiamma to stand back -- as a hippogriff dropping splats onto the trail in front of her. The Party reconstitutes itself to Nasir's great joy, and information is exchanged. As they talk, Shadya recalls who "ben Yusef" is: the vizier for Lord Aws, her "sister" Zabbah's husband -- much feared at that court. This makes the attempts at assassination all along this assignment much more explicable. Given the lack of background the entire Party can boast of, it just did not make sense that Vizier Izz al Dalwah would send the Party out and then send assassins after them. He could have had them killed in his palace the day he summoned them -- had that been his intent -- and none would have known to call blood feud. Now the situation looks more like a vizier against vizier situation ... and Orlando comments that he now understands why Shadya was so concerned when the vizier originally sent for them. She responds, "If you can dance around two viziers, my brother, being king will be not such a difficult job."

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