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Spies In Space Campaign

970130          Aboard Naginata's Ship

Run Synopsis
The shipboard party is all "the thing". Chantal invites Teresa and Robert to be her guests thereto, they having already been seen regularly in her company. Boris attaches himself to Rock Airs' entourage and wrangles an invitation. Jacques applies to work the kitchen, the yacht being short handed for the duration. Wardrobe delivers appropriate dress for the black tie occasion. Boris gets "some little thing" from amongst the groupies to aid him in the mysteries of the tux; Robert is more fortunate, perhaps, in Chantal's expertise. The shoes provided male guests are crepe-soled as is safer shipboard.

A launch ferries the guests to the yacht. The Australian party - already well into their beers - is the first out. Chantal finds her party behind a Hawaiian male (Senator Kai Ono) with one companion and being followed by a dapper Britisher (Sir Alex Carp) with 2 male secretaries. Pleasantries - but not names - are exchanged. Bruno Magli with his 2 bodyguards (much more comfortable in formal dress) and one of the sphere-toting femmes is a later arrival. The last party to arrive includes the woman with the New York accent (Mrs. Jennifer DuPont). Finally the host (Itoh Naginata) shows and it is clear that his body guards stand at most of the doors. It is clear that most of the important guests have body guards who pack guns. (Jacques, serving, classes Robert as Miss Ishida's body guard.) Amazing how many guns made it onto the island despite customs. Gradually, people's real names come into use. The head table is set for 13: each "Smith" and one guest, plus the host. Chantal accepts Robert's escort. There are secondary tables for all the other guests.

Jacques observes that the best wine is reserved for the head table ... and that the main course is cordon bleu chicken although most of the rest of the meal is traditional Japanese cuisine. Individually nice dishes, but, as a whole, a poor mish-mash meal.

Itoh politely talks in turn with each of his head table guests, but Magli dominates the rest of the table. He has a habit of brushing his silvery sphere (as it sits in his secretary's lap) before engaging in antagonistic repartee. Chantal hates him on sight. His secretary, it may be noted, sits with the blankest of expressions and no conversation at all although, somehow, she manages to eat neatly. There comes a point when Magli's attention falls on Chantal: "You look nervous, Miss Ishida; are you hiding something?" This is accompanied for both Chantal and Robert with an inexplicable surge of anxiety - which they both manage to master quickly. Nonetheless, at the point that Magli is needling the DuPont on the mishaps of oil companies, Chantal feels impelled to step in - albeit rudely - and draw the DuPont away from Magli. It now is apparent that the Magli returns Chantal's dislike. Dinner breaks up just as Itoh Naginata's circuit turns to Bruno Magli. The (supposed) Yakuza and Mafioso wander off together and out of range of the party. Chantal, still engaged with the DuPont, watches somewhat worriedly.

Jacques observes too, and manages to get close enough to Robert to indicate that the route through the kitchen would lead to the area the two "businessmen" are conferring in. Robert decides that he is on vacation and that only if the two "ran over" Jacques with information should the latter concern himself. Boris, on the other hand, slips out onto the deck and, in the cover of darkness, overhears the "business" being conducted on the deck above. Itoh Naginata says that Hold 3 contains the APS rockets and munitions; Magli says that 10 samples of Sicilian "wares" are being smuggled on. Boris observes a Zodiac inflatable pull up to the yacht and 10 young - and scared - women are brought aboard. Boris returns to the party and gives this information to Robert.

Chantal, seeing Boris and Robert together, wanders over and gets introduced to Boris. Robert hedges, admitting only that they are sure Naginata is trading arms and munitions, source unclear, price unclear. Chantal accepts his word, although plainly worried.

Back in the kitchen, Jacques is ordered to fill 30 cheap bowls with rice. Knowing that the ship staff have already eaten, Jacques overhears one of the Japanese servants asking if they "should take all 30 if only 10 have arrived". [Jacques speaks Japanese.] He surreptitiously follows the rice delivery and, although he can't risk the descent, hears female voices sobbing and praying to the Virgin from the vicinity of Holds 2 and 3. Jacques reports to Robert and Robert explains Boris' findings --- but continues to insist on a non-interference policy.

As the party breaks up, Magli returns in a very pleasant mood. Naginata then takes Chantal on a tour of the ship's bridge. He obviously considers the space-born woman to be as "exotic" as she considers his massive water-borne ship. Robert, unwilling to risk a kidnapping, accompanies the party, acting the part of someone who does not understand the Japanese language. [He does.] He observes the Zodiac at a distance, heading towards the dock which currently holds the ship that supplies the island with fresh produce. He also observes that a fairly powerful microphone system has been trained in the direction of the now-ended party. Finally, the launch takes Robert and Chantal back to shore.

Both Naginata and Magli leave the next day. The Party's vacation continues although Robert does get a coded message off to Star Port describing the events heretofore. Vacation continues with snow skiing in New Zealand and then - at last - we board the space ship: back to StarPort via Siris Station (where we are joined once again by Lyle.) Boris adds a scuba knife and an ice pick to his survival knife collection.

EPs: +1 each including Jacques

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