Sheryl A. Knowles - Paper & Pixels

Spies in Space Campaign

Duration: 1996-1997
GM: Pat
Chronicler: Sheryl
Synopsis: A miscellaneous group of volunteers in the Space Corp try to thwart spies, terrorists and megacorp meglomaniacs (as well as distortions in space) in various parts of the solar system and beyond.

Spies in Space Campaign Art Gallery

Character Sketches

From my sketchbook, various of the characters in the game.
StarCorps thumbnailwhisper thumbnailChantal thumbnailJacques thumbnailRook thumbnail
Boris, Lyle, Robert,
Teresa, Chantal
"Whisper" "Chantal" "Jacques" "Rook"

Space Paper Dolls

Robert and Chantal are part of the RPG Paperdoll. There is also a separate PD of Rook.
Rook PD thumbnailRook PD uniforms thumbnail

The contents of this site are copyright 2004 Sheryl A. Knowles unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved.

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