Sheryl A. Knowles - Paper & Pixels Star Corps thumbnail

Spies In Space Campaign

970227          To Aurora

Run Synopsis
Lyle brings the boxes of equipment that were rescued from the raider's dome back to Star Port where he reports back to Sam along with the rest of the team. Boris, Teresa, Robert and Chantal all sport considerable tans. There is some teasing exchanged about the group's lack of encountering non-descript Orientals. Boris pops up with the old saw about " all Orientals look alike" (and later adds that "all round-eyes do too"). Robert's return quip, "I hoped someone would say it 'cause I knew I couldn't" garners a look of surprise and then assessment from Sam. Sam himself has not changed. He asks for updates on the vacation reports. Chantal amends hers to reflect that she now knows what hadn't been told her when she filed her report.

Sam comments that the most disturbing factor in all these reports is the fact of Mafia and Yakuza co-operation. He informs us that the Jovian Pirates whose activities were originally the excuse for the formation of Star Corps were, in fact, a joint Mafia-Yakuza operation. It is unsettling to find them even willing to work together again on the relatively small scale that we found. Unfortunately Star Corps does not have authority to act against them Earthside. (Chantal is disappointed.)

Then Sam fills the group in on the more recent discoveries touching past assignments: